Goal setting

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Goal setting is the act of selecting a target or objective you wish to achieve and attain..

Goal setting is a very powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of the future into reality. The process of setting goals help you choose where you want to go in life..

Make your goal specific when setting goals, they should answer the highly specific questions of who, what, when and why. For each specific goal you make, you should ask yourself if it is a goal and how it helps your life advance..

We have various type of goals which include;

1)Lifetime goal: this is a type of goal achieve overtime, it's a future version of yourself and the picture of what you will like to become and what you wish to achieve...

2)long term goals:these are goals set for a particular period of time..it is a long term goal.. they have specific time limits like 5years or 10years...

3)short term goals:these type of goals are achieved under a short period of time like one month, six months or a year

4) stepping stone goals:these are goals that help you achieve your desired goal by making a budget on how to fulfill your set down goals .

But in all of these goals achievement, determination is very necessary, because without being determined you will not achieve your goal...Each of these goals differs based on the control we exert over it.

Five steps to goal setting:

Step 1:define what you want(goal).

Step2: find congruence.

Step 3: Do an ecology check.

Step 4:Develop a blueprint.

Step 5:Draw up a plan of action.

Note:when you set goals,the time you set to achieve the goal makes a big difference in the type of goal.

We must set our goals and achieve those set goals as mapped out...

$ 0.00


Nice writing. Yeah we need to set goals in order to achieve our plans. Goal setting is very necessary. Keep writing and inspiring others. Gosbless

$ 0.00
4 years ago

without setting goals it becomes impossible to achieve anything in life, it like driving a car without no destination. Definitely you would never get any where

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Goal is the first to to plan and achieving it is the second thing

$ 0.00
4 years ago