Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

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4 years ago

Fear is a great limitation to achiving one's goal.

As we all know, fear is an unpleasant feeling characterized by perception of danger,anxiety, failure or imagination.

Sometimes we want to do something but fear of the outcome and result can restrain us from doing such.

We should never give up because our 100th attempt or trial might be your final and successful attempt.

We should just conquer our fears and attempt trail because at the other side of fear is what you evidence and achievement.

Fear is like a barricade between you and your achievement, once you conquer and set your mind to overcome you will surely overcome.

A wise man once said think bigger,forget limits, embrace the idea of endless possibilities,it will change you.so we should think big because big thoughts attracts big things while small thoughts attracts small things.

There's a secret to conquer fear which I use always;say to yourself I can do it and strive to which is called determination.

Opportunities are just like doors, when one closes another opens and it depends on your determination, If you are willing to open the door or not.

For instance you are on a journey and when you eventually get to a point where you saw a barricade and you become too scared to cross over then you went back or stopped there without attempting or trying to.you can never cross without trying meaning you can never get to your destination.same as fear, if you don't try you won't get there...

So please let us overcome our fears to be able to get to our destination.

Fear has never yielded anything positive but only negative so we should not allow fear keep us at one spot.

You will never know until you try.

Please like and comment.. thanks

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I agree. It also starts with your way of thinking. Having a positive mindset eradicates fear and so it leads to determination :)

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4 years ago