Cowardice is just an habit.

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4 years ago

Cowardice is just like fear.fear of doing this, fear of doing that so you are just non-challant on taking actions on your issues and problems.

Nelson Mandela before his death said something about fear"I learned that courage is not the absence of fear,but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." So we should try to conquer our fears and not let them way us down.

One cowardly person came to a master of martial art and asked him to teach him how to be brave. The master looked at him and said: i will teach you only with a condition: one month you will live in a big city and tell about 100 persons you meet on your way "you are a coward". And you will have to say it loudly,open up and looking staight into the person's eyes. For a couple of days he was sad and thought about it, but realized he couldn't live with this cowardice because it was so unbearable, so he decided to travelled to the city and did exactly what he was told. At first when he met the passers-by,he was afraid, he stammered and lost his speech not knowing what to say and couldn't contact anyone. But he needed to finish up the task, So he began to overcome himself.when he came to the first passer-by to tell him about his cowardice,it seemed to him that he would die From fear. But his voice sounded more and more confident with each passing day. Suddenly he realized he wasn't scared anymore, and he continued further with the task, the more convinced he became about the fear leaving him. After a month, he came back to his master, bowed himself and said:"thank you, teacher. I have finished my task. Now am not afraid any longer. But how did you know that this strange task will be of help to me??" Then the teacher replied:"The thing is that cowardice is only a habit. Now you also know that bravery is also a habit.And if you want to make bravery a part of yourself,you need to move forward to confront your fear.

Wow! CONFRONTING YOUR FEARS! For example, the best way to conquer a plane crash is to keep flying! Whatever you fear happens to you!

Being brave is not the absence of fear, "being brave is having that fear but finding a way through it".

There are people who are afraid of ending their lives in shame/disgrace!some are afraid of ending up in sickness,poverty,divorce, demotion,some are afraid of car/plane crashes, rise and fall betrayals, heartbreaks and more.

Refuse to live in fear of anything, person or event because fear is a hedge breaker! Don't fear what others are fearing!

The eagle has no fear of adversity,we need to be like the eagle and have a fearless spirit of a conquerer!

Lastly, do not fear but try to overcome and conquer your fear with actions.

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4 years ago
