What To Do: Stolen Instagram Picture

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3 years ago

It is easier than ever to get into photography. With the skills you have, you can post anything on the internet. The tools to learn good photography skills - composition, lighting, film production, digital editing - are just a Google search away. When you get to a professional level, it's easy to post your photos online, get feedback, hone your skills, and even sell your photos online.

But as easy as posting images online is, stealing them is just as easy for people also. They are safe from the moment you snap your photographs: you don't have to file or label them as copyrighted, as they belong to you.

Have you ever think what it feels like if someone steals an Instagram image of your own? 

Sadly, many individuals out there can use your pictures without permission, whether it's due to ignorance or malicious intent. Anyone who reproduces your images publicly shows them, distributes them to others, or creates derivative works from them violates your copyright if they do not have your express permission first.

Although it may not affect stealing online images as anyone stealing your physical possessions, it does hurt: photographers whose work is stolen lose revenue and recognition. 

If you're into photography and posting your pictures online for some amount of time, it's likely to happen to you sooner or later. Do not panic until you become a victim of Instagram image theft.

Fortunately, there are countermeasures you may take to prevent your pictures from being stolen, and if they are stolen, you can take precautions to recover losses. In order to make sure those images are removed, there are steps you should take. When it comes to copyright concerns, Instagram is still flawed. Here's what you can do to remove your stolen Instagram pic.

How to Report Your Stolen Instagram Picture

1. Take A Screenshot Of Your Photo

Take a screenshot before you do something else. This would be the first step you must do to get evidence that another person has actually stolen your pictures. To make sure your photos are not stolen, you can  use Instagram image search to search for your photos.

2. Let The Person Who Stole

Because of the number of users on Instagram, many still do not understand the rules of copyright. The user could have taken your picture without understanding that they are doing anything wrong. Give them the benefit of the doubt, comment under the stolen image and send them a message telling them to credit or delete the image.

Please note that an account can miss updates with a broad following; find their email address or their Facebook account to communicate with them. 

3. Investigate

Is this just a normal account with an average number of followers on Instagram? Or, without letting you know, is the person monetizing your own images? A range of followers and the account's popularity will help you decide which steps you should take next, and celebrities often steal photos on Instagram. To make sure your photos are not stolen, you can use Instagram image search to search for your photos. 

4. Copyright infringement

When anyone steals your Instagram images, Instagram has its own reporting system and an Instagram copyright infringement form you can fill out. It takes a while to fill out the form but take the time to do it. Typically, after 24 hours, Instagram removes the image. Please notice, however, that the person's account will not be banished. To prevent any potential problems, make sure you block the user afterward.

How Important Is It To Credit The Artist?

Think of it this way, when you unexpectedly notice an influencer took your job without mentioning your name. You spend hours, days, or even years perfecting your craft—crediting means new customers, recognition, and satisfaction, after all this hard work, of finally achieving results. And it feels incredibly sad when it doesn't happen.

How Common Is Instagram Picture Theft?

Surprisingly, it's very widespread. Although it's known to be used by inexperienced teens, you could come across a case where a celebrity has stolen an Instagram image. It's a popular subject that sometimes gives celebrities bad publicity. It is necessary and helpful to all parties to know how to attribute pictures. 

How Do You Prevent Instagram Image Theft?

For individuals, watermarking is a common way to protect their artwork. Easy and simple, use a watermark to add any required credits to your picture. All you need to do is import, customize and export your image. You'll have a range of symbols for copyright, custom fonts, custom text, and other resources to help protect your work.

Give them credit if you are planning on using someone else's pictures on the Internet. Send them a message telling them what kind of credit they want to get and let them know that you used their picture. It just takes only a few more clicks.

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3 years ago


This was very interesting article indeed & was very much informative for me. Thank you so much for writing the article and publishing. Good Luck to you❤️

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