Many unexpected things happen in life. Unexpected accident, unexpected pain, unexpected deception, unexpected wailing and even unexpected death etc.
In the same way, there were many unexpected events in her life that she could never have imagined. She was not ready for them. When the expected loves turns into an unexpected decetion, there is nothing to expect better.
Expected dream doesn't make a crunching sound when the heart breaks into pieces like glass. It breaks silently like a hard wax and is shattered. And because it doesn't make a sound, the pain goes so deep that there is no way out, but it destroys endurance. It can come out, but it takes good company.
She went into deep grief for the unexpected deception and pain that happened in her life that she has to fight alone. But how will she fight ?? She was so broken that she was only blaming herself. In this way, while blaming herself, at one point she started hating herself. The hatred was so strong that she was alive but like a dead body.
Heart!! Little inner part of the heart was slowly starting to harden like a stone. Everything around her seemed annoying and false. Above all, her hopes and aspirations rose and she took herself to the deep forest of darkness where no one's affection could touch her. In this way she slowly began to settle her loneliness.
In order to sort out this loneliness, self-loathing, deep pain, she started looking for a world called friendship where something else, whether pure or not, could at least forget her thorny pain.Then she left everything around her and just ran to stop the flow of frustration. After a lot of searching and a lot of running,she finally found a city called Friendship where she could at least forget the thorny pain. She was just looking for a pinch of love from her friends so that this love would show her a drop of hope by forgetting the unexpected pain. At that time she got a pinch of love but she didn't have a box to hold it.In other words, it was an uncertain hope. But she was wrong. She thought that she had forgotten her deep pain due to the affection of her friends. She was not running away from everything around her but was running to stop the fire of pain and despair frozen in her chest.
Today she is lonely again.Her unexpected deep pain turns to wax match and burns her again, throws her into the mountain of despair and turns her hatred towards herself into a living flame.Everything seems to be a lie to the close friends she loved today. Now she wants to run again but she is tired and weak. She did not force her painful heart to hate herself, but it automatically made her hate herself and took her from the world of surroundings and friendship back to the dark forest. Her friends are watching her but they can't show or understand the pain deep in her chest. She ran away from her friends so that her harshness couldn't touch them but unfortunately her harshness hurt her best friend. She lost everything but still had the fear of losing. Now that fear is also taking shape in the world of loneliness.
In the world of loneliness, today again that hated leaf whose stone heart is now useless.
This post I first published on uptrennd. Here's the link👇👇