"Morning Rituals" Day#19 of writing for 30 Days

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Avatar for Fateh-tells
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...

Hey Readcashers!

I'm anticipating your well being, happy life and many more blessings to come. Aniko was right that 30 days can create a habit, because now I'm getting used to it, in expressing what I usually don't share with anyone. I'm really grateful to you guys for reading my stuff with an open heart and ofcourse to @TheRandomRewarderfor encouragements.

Today is 19th day of writing for 30 days challenge and today's trigger of writing is " morning rituals", 5 things I do right after I wake up in the morning.

These are my morning rituals;

  • When I was in boarding, our housegirl used to wake us up and in the home my Ami, but as I grew up I started using alarm( when adulthood hits hard). I usually wake up between 5:15-5:30 am, but due to Ramadan we are all waking up at 3:00am for suhr( meal before sunrise). Prayer is the first thing I do in my normal routine. There are some days when I could even not hear the sound of alarm and sometimes gets late or miss prayer, but I always try to recover it.

  • After prayer, I read Qur'an. I have set a goal of reading ruku( passage) every day with translation. I really feel guilty for neglecting such a blessing, which should get our attention the most. I try to read it and apply it to my life. Try to remember what I read.

  • I try not to use mobile phone right after waking up, instead I use it after performing prayer and reading Qur'an. I check for any update regarding our class, or just any stuff. And try not to prolong it.

  • After that if I'm in my village I again go to sleep, usually till 9:00am. Or if I'm in my city home where just me and my brother live, I wake up around 7:30am.

  • After another shot of sleep, I make my breakfast ( because in village other family members don't sleep after prayer and they are done with their breakfast right after it) or also for my brother when I'm in the city.

I know the major thing I'm missing is, reading or writing habit. I want to include them in my morning routine. And I have already talked about having a dream notebook to note down dreams I see everyday ( I'm passionate about that, and I will start it soon).

So that was all peers! I hope you enjoyed reading. Do tell me about the things you do in your morning.

Next writing trigger is "place". Aniko asks to write about the place you love the most, describe it's details so the reader could understand why you love it. I can be any place your bedroom, neighborhood restaurant's table or just anywhere. Describe how it feels to be there.

Okay guys! See ya tomorrow!

Stay blessed!

Bye-bye 👋🌃.

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$ 0.51 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Fateh-tells
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...


Prayer is a must to start and end our day. I also keep my consistency in writing here so that I could feel that I am productive each day.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes dear! This sense of productivity is the thing, which we all looking for!

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1 year ago