1/Looking at the immense intrest from numerous DeFi groups for Layer2, Announcing a multi-million dollar DeFi-centered hatchery program!

2/Benefits of the incubator include :

🀝 Assistance with budgetary and business advancement support.

πŸ’° Matic Ecosystem tokens to be utilized to help DeFi ventures.

πŸ›  Access to and help with a scope of designer tooling.

Effectively a couple of cool #DeFi ventures blooming on @maticnetwork which will be reported soon

Apply here for the incubator : https://t.co/CA02Z2g6JR https:

3/join MATIC first #DeFi-focused activity, @Stafi_Protocol is propelling a $40K StakingDrop for $MATIC stakers!

πŸ’°$40K of $FIS tokens disseminated to MATIC stakers. 🌍Learn more: https://t.co/VzGxKWGgTp

Stake your MATIC now with 43% APR:https://t.co/aaDfOaIvya


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@Fantaaraga posted 3 years ago
