How I made with a professional beggar

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1 year ago

People are with different colors and with different styles. Different countries with different culture. Not that I am really happy about our country's economy but since it turns out this way nobody can really help. Since the corruption begin from the top so there's no how the bottom will help it out. One comedian rack a joke that sounds so funny. He said that a lot of people become Nigerian citizen by birth and some by choice that he is a citizen of Nigeria by mistake.

I will not judge those who are begging to survive because I don't have any power to judge anyone. But I am not advising people to be begging on the street. The money that someone struggle for it is far better than the one that people give. Begging isn't really a good idea, what if people just decide not to be giving out their money to people on the street what will happen to those who are professional beggars.

I had an experience with a beggar been that I have been meeting them time without number but this time around it's really surprised me. I didn't know that some lazy guys have gang up themselves and form beggars association. When once you see them they don't even behave like beggars. There's how they package up themselves and if you're not a kind of person that understand tricks you will easily fall into their trap and they will use you as they like.

This beggars have come up with different strategy and skills. They have their terms, I think they have attended lessons base on some terms that they are using. It could be when they look through your appearance and they know how much you could offer them at a time. Those people are so smart in a way that if you are not sensible enough they can easily play on your intelligence. They are a kind of people who sees hustling as time wasted and being that they understand the meaning of leverage and that is why they try leveraging on other people.

Though I have been meeting them but they're those on the street who are unable to work due to their inability. And they're those who have everything in them and they just decide to go into begging. I have been hearing stories about the professional beggars and I didn't believe until I met with one and confirm it. They have all the logic they can use to get something from people's hand and I think this is why they are titled as professional beggars.

They have their own dressing code. They are dressing like those who are working in the office and they always handle a big office file in their hands. Some will say that they were invited for an interview but unfortunately they haven't been able to locate the venue and lastly they will end with please do you have any money on you, they will say any amount is okay at least it will take me back to my place. Some will say that they came to meet their relative and unfortunately they can't see them and that they have even lost their connection.

Some will even come directly to you with a certain amount of money and tell you that they are very hungry and they have some certain amount with them and they will show you the amount they have and in the end they will tell you that what they have can not avoid them food, they will ask you to add the little you have for them. The one that really surprised me some days back, a guy came to my shop and showed me a certain amount of money and told me that the wife is in labor that she can't deliver successfully that the doctor suggested she will go under operation and she only have 21 hours to live.

After he had finished I asked him if he has an account number he said yes, I said alright I asked him to sit down and I did as if I am making call but meanwhile I was making fake call. I told my friend to come over with his car that I want to visit my closet person in the hospital that she is in labor and I need to go and meet her and I explained everything on the fake call I made. When I hang off the call the guy who came to beg me for money asked me if I have any body in the hospital I said no that I want to come and visit his wife who is in the labor. When he saw my seriousness he started coming up with excuse that the distance is far and so on.

He told me that he wants to get calling card some where that I should give him some minutes, up till that time till now he hasn't return back from buying recharge card. I knew what exactly he came for being that I didn't what to disgrace him that is why I turn the other way round. I have been meeting with a lot of them who are professional and they always come with lies.

This is the kind of a experience I had which I also believe that some other people have gone through the same. You can also share your own experience here so that we learn from your experience.

Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate you for your time.

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1 year ago


You were smart to have faked the call too. Professional beggars indeed. Something about me is that I don't move when I see one. There was one who approached me years back. This man lied that he was travelling and he has no money on him to go continue the journey. I just said I don't have any money on me and I walked away.

People don't want to work but are happy begging and becoming lazy. They will stay there oo 😅

$ 0.00
1 year ago

A lot of them take begging as their work, they are really comfortable in taking small change from people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is why I don't trust these beggars. There was a time I gave a beggar #50, the next time I passed there, I saw the same beggar but didn't have money to give to him and he snapped his fingers at me. He's crazy!!! If I'm willing to give people money, I'd rather go to an orphanage home, charity organization, little children, or people who are not feeling too well

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's right, I don't always like giving those that I see they are begging because of laziness

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Begging should not be made profession. We should provide people skills and not charity. It is worst in Nigerian if people are found with begging behavior.

$ 0.00
1 year ago