"Addiction" means when you are pushed to a thing which is for your choice or beyond in your choice. An addiction can be in many ways in example : cigarette, alcohol, mobile phone video games e.t.c.
When any thing that become an addiction is not pretty at all this could take minutes after minutes from your life you can't accomplish your work in time.E this can take that much time from your life.Eventually many life lessons books literature knowledge would be missed by this addiction this will forgotten everything important in Your mind like mobile phone and videos games.!
In other case some addiction causes many fatal deaceses like cancer lung cancer bonthritis, arthritis e.t.c. And this addiction can be with cigarette alcohol once you have this you would be craving to have more.
That's all addiction tied up our hand to do our works and do curricular activities we have to avoid this or the future of our world truly get a huge harm by this.!