Little Happy Spooktober for Memo, Member &

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Avatar for FUBAR-BDHR
3 years ago

Well last week I had an idea to make a little image for Just simply the words in bone letters. On Saturday (more like early Sunday morning) I decided to give it a try. There are a number of bone fonts out there but I didn't want to take the cheap way out and use them so I did it the hard way. I found 3 individual bone clip arts I liked and use them to make letters. This was the result:

I liked it but as an image it was too wide and well empty. So I started tinkering. I added more and more clip art. It looked good but it needed something more. So then I made a background by blending some landscapes, a night sky, and finally added in something special. At that point I decided why just do memo? So I opened up a second copy of my work and saved it under a new name. Then I changed the text to Had to make 2 new letters and move a few things around but most of it was the same. So now I had 2 images. They were nice but still didn't feel quite right. The sky was too empty. So I went back to adding more clip art. Copying it from file to file. Last night I thought I was done but then decided why not do a one too. I waited though so I wouldn't have to copy new elements to 3 images. I kept at it until just a little bit ago. I lost count of how many layers. Well over 100 though. Then I opened up a third copy and changed the text to Only had to make a D and copy the A this time. Rest was just moving it around. After that I decided it needed one more thing. Some text at the top. So I did that and copied it back to the other 2 versions. Here are the final results.

This was all done in using free (I hope) clip art. Hope you like them.

$ 0.09
$ 0.05 from @unitedstatian
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @n00b
Avatar for FUBAR-BDHR
3 years ago
