How the WORLD will get peace !!!

We all know that death is inevitable and we all will be dead one day, but the way we live and they way we think is like we are gonna live for thousands of years. We attack, we kill, we conquer the cities and countries to withhold their wealth, and their resources. But, no matter how much we make it for our country, we will certainly die and all that we have done will be gone with us or it might stay like the way we left it, but the power will be changed. The man who attacked so many countries, conquered, killed thousands for the sake of wealth and piece of land is gone, gone not with the blessings of people but with condemnation. What he left ???? only a story of cruelty. Earthly resources will end one day, wealth will be gone one day. The character of a person remains. Only if humans remember death at each phase of life and keeping in mind that everything will be perished, surely the harmony and peace will be attained.

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@FARIS posted 3 years ago
