My experience

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3 years ago

"I work with a private construction company as a manson. We are placed on monthly salaries and other allowances. 3 months ago, we had a board meeting with our director and in the meeting, he told everyone that there would be a 3 percent reduction in our salaries due to the economic state of the country and because the company barely gets contracts as before. When he first said that, my mind was relaxed because all I had in mind was that we might be relieved of our jobs but the reverse is the case. He also said that once things stabilize and the company bounces back, that we would all get a salary increase. Some people said they can’t take the 3 percent cut off their salary that it’s better they quit the job. He gave everyone one week to go and consider the offer. I told him there that I would accept his offer. Some people left and didn’t come back but those of us that accepted the offer were welcomed and our boss surprised us by doubling our salary. He said that we were the kind of staff that he needed, those who were willing to work and see the company as theirs rather than only focusing on the money.

When he asked us our reasons for accepting his offer, almost all of us had same reason—he treats us well,he has never owed us salary and he always gives us salary advance whenever we are in urgent need of cash. For these reasons alone, I can work for my company even if they decide to cut my salary into half. Most times, it’s not all about the money but the experience and things you learn while working."

$ 0.31
$ 0.31 from @TheRandomRewarder


Yes, sometimes experience is what that matters while working in a place.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is how life have always been sometimes the unexpected will just happen

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True, it is not all about the money. Yung husband ko is electrical contractor sa isang private company, more than 10 years na sya sa company na yun. Ganyan din ang reason kung bakit di nya maiwan, and the company also thinks very higly of him.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hmmm...that is life if someone is doing good is not easy to leave or forget that person that the benefits the company has

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hmm,this is so intensive , I had a share of this construction I would like to share some time also

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sure ,but one must equally out into consideration the monetary aspect of it,because life can't be lived without money

$ 0.00
3 years ago