My daughter loves to watch insects and animal videos. She likes to watch how they move, how they crawl and everything the insects and animals does, it always amazed her. I didn't teach her to watch all of it, it's her own initiative and interest.
Actually, her learnings through reading letters and numbers was influenced by the videos she's watching. That's why I let her watch everything she likes, but I always check that it is in the scope of her age, parental guidance is must as it awaken their curiousity whatever they are watching. I am just glad that most of the stuff she's watching are all educational, there are some for entertainment purposes but mostly she's into learning videos stuff.
The Funky Leaf Insects
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One of the videos she watched was the leaf insects, I didn't even know that there's an existing insect like this. I didn't see this insect before probably because I think they are leaf as they really looks like one. Thanks to my daughter's interest, I've learned something as well.
Facts of leaf insects
This leaf insects forbid themselves not to move, if they move it must have been very slight that is not so noticeable and camouflage the leaf so they'll not be noticed by some predator insects.
Even when it lay eggs it doesn't move and just let it fall in the ground. The leaf insects egg camouflage as well so it will survive, it camouflage it's own poop 💩.
When the egg was hatched and fully grown it will also climb up on the tree leaves to camouflage and protect itself..
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Inorder not to be notice by some predators they'll do a funky moves repeatedly until it reached the destination..the moves looks like a leaf swayed by the wind. Just look at the gif, it looks like and old leaf but it is an insect leaf, you might think it's only a leaf swayed by the wind.
If you want to watch how it moves or it's life cycle just watch the short video I attached, it's where my daughter watched it. There are still a lot of insects that she's watching, I like it because she learns from it, from facts and it opens her mind and curiousity.
They eat leaves as well that is why, they are what they eat.
Closing Thoughts
My daughter was laughing seeing the leaf moves, like it really do funky dance moves. It's cute tho, what's more cuter is that my daughter imitates it and I was laughing hard the way she did it.
You see how wonderful our nature is, every living creatures big or small has given the ability to protect themselves. We are all in survival in the fittest, if a small insects find ways to protect themselves how much more a human can protect themselves.
I actually posted this at, you can see the reference here.
Thank you for reading!
Note: Original content unless revamp.
Date Published: November 6, 2021
There is an immensity of insects that will surprise you, the way they eat, walk or hide from their predators, is impressive.