I am back Bitcoincash Community
Whoa! It's been quite awhile since I visited my read.cash account. I had a hard time finding my seed phrase and remembering my password to be honest. My phone broke and when I got a new one I totally forgot how can I gain access to read.cash again. Wew!
Anyway, I am back. I have read 2 articles so far on my notifications.
First is about SAVING MOTHER EARTH by at @Glez . I literally love the article as it promotes saving our planet. I am never even aware that I needed to delete my spam emails because that too could affect our nature. Well, I gotta do it within the day for sure!
Second article is about Relationship and Violence by @meitanteikudo . I left a comment there. I cannot hold myself from trying to voice out my personal thought. It would never be a good thing to actually be with someone who hurt you physically. We have to really focus on checking some red flags. At times, I can say it is better to try living together and see for yourself if you could swallow your partners attitude because if not better part ways.
Lastly, I read @Ruffa 's article about friendship and not getting too close. Well one reason why I clicked her article ks I thought it is about making Leche Plan because it is my favorite. It so happened it isn't. LOL!
Anyhow, I can totally relate because I am too aloof with others. I can say that I am talkative virtually but not in person or maybe when I am not comfortable with the people I am with.
Anyway, that's it for now. I will try to read more articles in the future. Still I am learning and I have been away for a long time. Surely I missed a lot. My profile is not that well built just yet. I am hoping to find more people to share my ideas around here.
For the past 9 months of being away I have actually learned something and a lot. I would love to share things out here and I am hopeful I could get to engage to more people.
I would love to have virtual friends really. I have never joined any other platform and I am planning to just focus first in read.cash though as I am also a very busy person. I would love to read and engage on other articles as well eventually join any other community around here.
I am seeing affiliate program too but will see if any of the people I know would be interested since I know it will never be easy to inform and spread awareness.
I noticed some people wants easy money and others often believe with work wise not harder.
I don't know, makes me feel cringe with how else can someone work wise.
Thank you for reading my article! See ya around ♡!
Feels like I am back home! The best thing about being here is I could get to share myself without minding of being judged.
Article: I as of 04.16.22