The 5F's that matters to me.

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2 years ago
Topics: 5F's, Life

September 29, 2021. Wednesday.

Hello how are you all? I hope your conditions are fine and you enjoyed your day. And even though life is hard, just always fight and we will be able to overcome it all.

Today I will be keeping up with the trending 5F’s in life. I have read many other people's articles about it but just the other day I read ate @JRamona20 article about her 5F's in life and that is why I am now writing my own 5F's in life article because she inspired me.

What exactly are my 5F’s in life? It’s Family, Fitness, Faith, Foods and Finance. I would have included my Fur Babies in the list but I did not include them in the list because I also consider them part of the family.


  • My family is the most important asset of my life. I have said this several times in my previous articles. They are the most important people in my life. I can do everything for them. I want them to always be seen happy and in good condition. Even though sometimes there are misunderstandings that happen in our family I still love them and I always take care of them. My Mama and Ate are the ones who really make up my life, they have been with me since I was born. I grew up without a father so I love my Mother very much because even though she doesn't have a partner in raising my sister and me, she still does everything. I also love my sister because she helps our mother as much as she can. So I am also forced myself to earn money to help them both and I will no longer ask them when I need something. I am also thankful to my grandparents because they accepted me and my mom and sisterer wholeheartedly and up to this day we still live with them and we also help them with their needs. The four of them are really the most important persons in my life and I will not exchange them for anyone and anything.


  • My health is important to me. Since I got sick a few years ago my health has become very important to me. I no longer indulge myself in things things that I know will hurt me or bad for me. I also follow all the advice of my elders because I know that they say it for my good. Sometimes I can't sleep early because of important reasons, but I take it back by taking medications and vitamins so that somehow I still don't neglect my health.


  • It's the most important for me. It is up to it that everything I do in my life depends. I know that I am the one who have to decide what I should do, but I ask God's permission first before I do it because I believe that when you first refer to him the things you do will do,it will have a good outcome. I also never forget to thank him always. And I am grateful for all the blessings I receive, no matter how small or big because it still a blessing from him.


  • Food is life. I'm used to saying that word. We can't really live if we don't eat. We will become weak and unable to do the things we need to do because food gives us energy (among other things from which we get/take strength) . Because I don't like going hungry because apart from feeling dizzy, my head hurts, I'm getting weak and losing my strengh. And also I can’t think straight and I lose focus. So I really need food in my life. I'm not that greedy, I just eat enough and I don't go hungry. When I feel that someone is striking in my stomach, I will eat because maybe they will do something else inside my stomach. Hahahha.


  • We also need it in our lives. Whether we don't want to or want to, we can't buy the necessities of life when we don't have money. But even they say it that we need money to survive, it doesn't mean we will want too much money. Im okay having enough money, that I can buy food for every day, things such as cleaning our bodies, buying the clothes we need and the other things we really need to live. It’s okay with me just what amount we have and just how much we earn as much as it can afford to buy our daily necessities I’m happy and contented with that.

And those are the five F’s that matter in my life. And I hope you enjoy reading. And thank you also because I had an article for today because I ran out of the topic again thankfully and I remembered about this and I was saved today. I've been getting really busy with my studies these past few days so I only have limited time for other things. But because read cash is important in my life I still don’t forget to visit it every day.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. And that's all for today. Until again. Bye. Peace.

I would like to thank my Sponsors who are so kind. Please visit and read their articles when you have free time. Their articles are also very beautiful and you will definitely enjoy reading. And I also want to thank the people who always read, comment and upvote my articles. Thank you very much too. And may you all be blessed for your kindness and goodness.

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Thanks for reading this.

Keep Safe and God Bless us always.

Don't Forget to Be Nice and Be Good to Everyone.


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$ 1.32
$ 1.25 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @FarmGirl
$ 0.02 from @jasglaybam
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2 years ago
Topics: 5F's, Life


5 Fs is important all of us for living heal and hearty.I also try to maintain this.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes this 5F's of mine is really important. And thats good to hear that you are trying to maintain your 5F's in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I gotta evaluate myself on where do I stand with my 5Fs :)

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Sige po. I am waiting to read your 5F's din po. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Give me some time po ha :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay po. Sige po, sige po. 😊👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good that you see all your 5 Fs as important and that you also know that health is wealth. You are very disciplined I guess :)

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you po. Yes po yan pp ang 5F's na importante po para sa akin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're doing great :) Carry on :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes po. Maraming salamat po sa inyo. 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cheers Ex! Walang anuman :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago