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1 year ago
Topics: Sad, Nervous, Worried, Confused, Money, ...

Today I am very sad because of what happened to me yesterday.  Actually yesterday I was already sad, confused and worried.

Well what exactly is the reason for my sadness?

So it was yesterday when I was supposed to withdraw money because I was out of budget and allowance.  There is an ATM near our school, so in order not to go far, I decided to withdraw there.  There were people ahead of me in the queue and based on their reactions, they were a bit annoyed and seemed to be impatient.  So I just waited for them to finish and before they left they said that the machine didn't have cash but they weren't sure.  So me,that really needed a cash, I still tried to withdraw even though the people before me told me that there's no cash in the machine.

When I was in front of the machine and I inserted my card and entered the amount I wanted to withdraw, I was surprised because it took so long before my card came out and no cash came out.  So I said to myself that maybe the machine doesn't really have any cash and they haven't dispensed yet.

But after a few hours after I attempted to withdraw, the bank emailed me saying that I was able to withdraw and the amount was stated there.  So I was suddenly really nervous because I wasn't really able to withdraw.

I was already at home when I read that email, so I had no choice but to check the balance the next day.  And this morning I did a balance inquiry and I was surprised that the savings on my card really decreased.  Before I left school, I did a balance inquiry again at another branch of the ATM, but the money on my card was actually reduced.  So I'm really sad about what happened.

That money is not that much but it is still money and I need that money because I no longer have an allowance.  And I can't just pick up that amount of money on the road!

And just before 4:00 pm, I went to the main branch of the bank that I was withdrawing from.  My concern was taken care of immediately but they said I have to wait 3-4 weeks before the money is credited to my card again.

Those 3 or 4 weeks are quite long for me especially since I don't have any money now, I don't have a fare to school tomorrow and I don't have any money to buy some food.  I also can't borrow money from my classmates earlier because they were also out of money because we all had a lot to spend.  People here at home also don't have extra money and our money is only for food every day.

That's why since yesterday until now I'm really sad.  Well, no matter who that happened to, they will be really sad too.

That's all for today.  I just really want to express my feelings to somehow feel better and reduce my sadness.  So thank you so much for reading this.  See you on my next article!

Image made from Canva.

This article was written on May 9, 2023 amd first published on my Hive account.


1 week and 2 days already passed but my request to credit the money on my card again is still on the process. I haven't received any email from them though.

Images used are from Unsplash.

$ 0.27
$ 0.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.01 from @Jeaneth
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Avatar for Expelliarmus30
1 year ago
Topics: Sad, Nervous, Worried, Confused, Money, ...


Amigo espero pronto te regresen tu dinero e hiciste lo correcto al ir al banco para que te solventaran el problema.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope this gets resolved asap Ge, hassle pag walang pera eh. Andaming na cocompromise na dapat gawin dahil lang walang pera.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sana nga po. Totoo po yan sa final demo ko pa naman po gagamitin yung money na yun eh, hanggang ngayon po tuloy hindi pa ako makapag start gumawa ng mga kailangan ko.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Di pa nila na po-process until now?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You did the right thing to report it to the bank. I hope you will get back your money into your account soon.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you so much. I hope too. 🥺

$ 0.00
1 year ago