Bitcoin Cash - perspective of 68 year old.

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Written by
3 years ago

Translated English

My name is Evka, I was born in 1953 and I want to share my experience with Bitcoin Cash. I was born on a farm to peasants, poor parents. I studied as a nurse and my whole life was: hospital - children - fields - garden - small animals that we had to save on expenses - and our house that we built with 3 children. Me 1975:

I first heard about Bitcoin Cash from my son a year ago, when I wanted to buy an electric bicycle to my husband. After 3 months of owning Bitcoin Cash, I bought the bike 18% cheaper. Since then, I've been watching Bitcoin Cash on the phone every day and I already have few of them. I see their price rising and I'm glad to have found out, as I see banks robbing us more and more like they will never have enough. Logically, I think that Bitcoin is the future, because new money is constantly being printed and thus they have ever lower value. The printed money suits the banks and they buy real estate / they are insuring against the bankruptcy/ and they will only continue to rob us until the whole system crashes.

Thank you for being here, Bitcoin Cash. Evka

Original Slovak

Volám sa Evka, narodila som sa v roku 1953 a chcem sa podeliť o svoje skúsenosti s Bitcoin Cash. Narodila som sa na farme vtedy sedliakom, chudobným rodičom. Študovala zdravotnu sestričku a celý môj život bola: nemocnica - deti - roľa - záhrada - drobné zvieratá ktoré sme chovali aby sme si prilepšili a postavili domček pre 3 deti. 

Prvý raz som počula o Bitcoin Cash od syna pred rokom, keď som chcela kúpiť manželovi elektrický bicykel. Po 3 mesiacoch vlastnenia Bitcoin Cash som mala bicykel o 18% lacnejšie. Od toho času stale sledujem Bitcoin Cash na telefóne a uz ich aj niekoľko mám. Vidím ako ich cena rastie a som rada že som sa o tom dozvedela, keďže vidím ako nás banky okrádajú stále viac a nikdy nebudú mať dosť. Logicky si myslím že Bitcoin má budúcnosť, pretože sa stale tlačia nové peniaze a tým majú stále menšiu cenu. Natlačené peniaze vyhovujú bankám a tie nakúpia nehnuteľnosti /istia sa keď skrachujú/ a nás len budú naďalej okrádať až sa raz systém zrúti. 

Ďakujem za existenciu Bitcoin Cash. Evka

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @lerkfrend
Avatar for Evka
Written by
3 years ago
