Planning A Better Tomorrow

Hello everyone, it's Eviziim here again.

This time I want to share with you guys how to attain a better tomorrow from today!

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Let's dive in

If I may ask, How often do you tell yourself that tomorrow will be a great day and you completely look forward to living it?

The good things is that you have complete control over the way you live your life.

If your tomorrow will be an exact repetition of today, and you aren’t happy with today, you are sure up for a worse disappointment even tomorrow.

Like I said in my previous article here , today has come and there's nothing you or anyone can do about it, but don't let it go without living it to it's fullness.

Same way I'll tell you that tomorrow is coming, don't let it come without planning for it.

Now the big question is HOW?

I'll give you some key things to think on and also impliment, then give me feedback tomorrow okay?

  • Make a to-do list for the next day and stack them up based on priority with the most important task on top. This would give you considerable control over the way your day turns out to be.

Prepare a Plan B for your next day – Be it a different route to your office or a meeting you’re supposed to reach on time or for the alternative to your career if you didn’t get into a program of your choice during university studies.

  • Have a ready and stable Plan B which can be immediately called into action when things take a detour in your life.

  • Reflect on your achievements so far, no matter how little they might seem to you.

Keep note of everything you’re proud of so far and feel content with everything life has blessed you with.

  • Quit comparing yourselves to everyone else, although that is how you feel competitive, but life is not a rat race and you won’t archieve anything except dejection once you start comparing yourselves to everyone.

  • Always be positive about tomorrow (don't ever forget this)

  • And lastly I'll tell you that before you begin your coming day, start telling yourself that tomorrow will just be awesome. Having an optimistic veiw on life will take your attitude on life to an altogether new level and help you accomplish more.

Realize that everyday is a new day for greater opportunities and make sure you don’t squander it with negativity and unproductive.

Have an positive attitude towards life and be optimistic about everything that is awaiting you in the near future.

DO you have a plan for a tomorrow? Shout out your thoughts in the comment section below.

It's Eviziim..salute!!

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Great article. Kudos

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Am glad It was helpful 🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sure it was.

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very nicely presented an article

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3 years ago

Namaste.. thanks for the support!!

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3 years ago

Assalamu-alaykum.. you are welcome

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3 years ago


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3 years ago