Hey there! Looking for some OP manga characters? Underdog, intense bullying, excruciating drama, got OP'ed and seeks REVENGE?!
Well, you're on the right article, amigo. Our poor Tak Se'young here was living quietly but the offenders had the guts to attack him all over again.
I'm not a fan of bullying but I like awesome B*TCH-SLAPPING. Look at the image below? You see the military surrounding him? Well, it got burned bruh. Tanks? Grenade launchers? Meh, that's like a toy to our Se'young. Crushed and burned to the ground.
If you are against violence, I advice you to skip this.
After solo leveling took a break, this is another manga that let me burn with the same passion.
I actually just finished reading the latest and it got my blood pumping so I wrote a review as fast as possible. Share your thoughts if we're on the same page :))
I am not fond of this. But may I just ask why you like it so much?