The loss of humility drags vices

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4 years ago

The loss of humility drags two vices: ostentation and pride,these sins do a lot of harm,ostentation brings bad example, mistrust, waste: cars, clothes, expensive clothes, watches, sumptuous houses, are bad companions,Pride makes leaders blind and deaf at any level, they do not attend Mass, they separate from it. But the worst thing is that it clouds the mind, prevents understanding, despises study, cultivates vanity, thinks it is wise, simulates wisdom, takes everything for granted, trusts in that rare invention they call "knowledge", these are transmitted by osmosis easy.

Pride prevents discussion. If everything is known, why argue? The discrepancy necessary for the debate is described as disobedience, contrary arguments are disqualified. The warnings of the need to correct the course, are daring of "crazy" How will it be wrong who knows everything?

The loss of humility is lethal, without a doubt the teaching will be important for us from the blows we learn. In our actions is change.

Good evening, let's do good without looking at who, every contribution you give me will be well received and will go to the benefit of our great work, our children

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4 years ago
