Greetings friends my name is Evelyn Lugo, I had not done my presentation, I am 37 years old, they are mother, I am a social worker, I love children, for a while I have dedicated myself together with a team to help people with very low resources , in a very poor community, we get a small space that we call the little house in which we have dedicated ourselves to care for the children of that community and nearby communities, and some cases that are presented to us, we serve the children by helping them To do the homework, when we have we give him food, thanks to the collaboration of many people we have also helped him with clothes, shoes, school supplies, medical attention, medicines. Always giving everything for everything for the children who need us so much.
I tell you I decided to join this work, after finding so many children in the street malnourished asking for food from house to house, and that breaks my soul, I decided with some colleagues, go to the nearest communities and organize in such a way that we could help, and today we are here, we have recovered many children who were abandoned. Malnourished children, sick people, in short, every case we are going to say, our intention is to achieve a bigger project in the future. Well I will not extend more, hehehe, greetings friends although they want to collaborate with us welcome every time you write a post you can give us a contribution that contribution will be very well received to invest in food, supplies, attention for our children. Here I show you a little of our work.
By the way we are currently in need of help paying for medical consultation and medical examination for the breast of one of our girls (suffering from uterine cancer, with infiltration in the bladder and possibly in the stomach) and it is urgent that the specialist see her.
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