We all know who introverts are. You could even be one. People do have opinions on them; some say introverts are too shy to hold a conversation while others see them as cool outsiders.

Introverts might be more comfortable enjoying their own company, they seem to have this magnetism, almost a superpower. Whether there are keeping to themselves or hanging out with friends, introverts always seem to catch people's eyes and attention drawing others to them even without doing anything. What's there secret?

Check out 10 reasons why introverts are so attractive;

  1. They are dreamers

Dreaming is not only for children. Having an open and active imagination and being able to see what others can not is a beautiful ability, one introverts are blessed with. They spend a lot of time in reflexive thoughts, working things over in their minds or just enjoying letting their mind wander. Introverts think about everything and everything from things like breakfast to life in the universe. They like to reflect on life as it unfolds around them. They are close to modern day philosophers and as their mind are free they take up far away inquisitive look.

  1. They know themselves

Introverts often use their deep thinking mind to themselves getting them a chance to boost their self-awareness which a fuller ideal of their own identities. They know themselves well. They know the type of things and people they like helping them to friends with compartable personality or somebody of interest. They also know what's important to them and hold strong to their values. Introverts won't talk around an issue. This is not to say that they are blunt, and of course introverts are not known for being rude but they will be honest with you letting their intentions known. Introverts give a vibe of confidence which often make them attractive.

  1. They are easy to be around

Introverts have no interest in fanfare or getting their names shouted from rooftops. The idea of trying to get attension is simply useless to them. They are much too easy going when it comes to hanging out. When you spend time with introverts, their attention will be on you. Rather than trying to crack the funniest joke or have all eyes on them, they will stay close to friends making time spent together more sincere and special. Introverts are happy to spend time with their friends so if you become the scene of attention know that will be quietly cheering you on.

  1. Think before they speak

Let's be honest, sometime in our lives we have said something probably embarrassing whether we were speaking out of turn or trying to crack a joke, the chances is that we all have that memory. Introverts have an advantage here. They are known to settle at the edge of a conversation when speaking and speak when they see it as necessary. They reflect and follow the flow of the conversation, planing their response. When they speak, introverts give a taste of what's on their mind pulling you in as they catch your interest.

  1. They are great listeners and observant

What makes introverts good conversationalists is that they take the time to listen and reflect on what they hear. They are sure to listen to every word that you say. When you tell them about a problem, they will think through the issue and give you a sincere advice.

Introverts pay attention when others do not. During conversations, they observe carefully, picking up things that others missed. They have the ability to learn about people without needing to constantly ask about personal questions. They keen focus is to every day life. They don't just brush over a conversation, they think over and remember it.

  1. They are mysterious

In a crowded room when it is hard to hear everyone talking, an introvert will hang back just out of reach, safe from the notice and yet still a part of it with an air of mystery following them. This does not mean that they have a habit of avoiding others, actually one of the skills of introverts is that they seem to be everywhere in a Party or event. They move smoothly and give everyone an idea of their presence.

  1. They are a challenge

Introverts don't wear their hearts on their sleeves as they value their privacy. Though they will share things about themselves, but they do it on their own terms. They know that sharing information about themselves will catch people's attention so they sometimes, they will let bit of an information slip

  1. They are kind and loyal

Introverts are caring friends. They will offer you genuine help when you need it. They are generous in nature. Being so giving and caring, looking after people without hidden agenda makes they truly beautiful people.

Introverts don't spend their time with just anyone. The see relationships as a commitment of their time and energy avoiding small talk or superficial relationships. Their goal in a relationship is to find someone they can trust and someone who will trust them. Introverts will be by your sides through the good and bad. They chose to be your friend for a reason and they trust they place on you is strong enough to face whatever comes your way. Introverts may learn to spend their time out of the spotlight but their mysterious air and powerful presence leaves a deep impression on everyone they meet. They are honest and sincere with an inquisitive mind and a deep respect for others.

  1. They are intrinsically motivated

Typically, introverts aren't motivated with rewards or recognition and their goals and aspirations aren't dependent on other people's approval instead, they know what they want out of life and they have the commitment to follow their passion even if it isn't an easy task. Introverts have the ability to work on their goals with true drive and commitment and the energy that comes from them pursuing their passion is certainly an attractive one.

  1. They are out of the box thinkers and studious

Being an introvert is actually positive when it comes to creative thinking with studies confirming that some of the most creative thinkers in their fields are introverts. This is due to the fact that solitude and creative thinking couple each other. Introverts view solitude as an opportunity to focus on their work without interruptions. They turn their minds inward getting in tone to their inner thoughts.

They are studious and smart. By nature introverts have inquisitive minds that are always eager for new information and view points. They are sure to know about a wide range of topics. Thanks to their reflex of identity and their ongoing interest in learning. They also like talking about and sharing that they have picked up.

This trait and others outlined above make them attractive

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@Evans1642 posted 3 years ago
