Why "Eurydice"? | Real Name Reveal

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2 years ago
02-12-22 | Eurydice 

I guess, many of you here in read.cash (if not all) are familiar to Greek Mythology. For those who don't, Greek mythology is a body of stories concerning the gods, heroes, and rituals of the ancient Greek. In other words, its genre is all about Ancient Greek Folklore concerning the origin and nature of the world, the lives and activities of deities, heroes, and mythological creatures, and the origins and significance of the ancient Greeks' own cult and ritual practices. For more information, check it here.

I became so attached with the stories about Greek mythology for the reason that we always tackle this topic way back Senior High School years. Obviously, that became the reason why I chose the username name "Eurydice".

Wounded Eurydice, 1868/70

In Ancient Greek the name Eurydice means "wide justice", where eurys means "wide" and dike means "justice". The correct pronunciation of Eurydice in English is Yuh-rid-ih-see.

For those who are not familiar with Eurydice, she was a nymph in Greek mythology, one of the daughters of the god Apollo. She was married to Orpheus, a legendary musician and poet.

To know her deeper, you can check it out in this link.

Why Eurydice?

Way back Senior High School, I was always the kind of student who wanted to become the main lead role of a specific roleplay presentation. One day, our teacher grouped us into 5 groups, she wanted us to give life the different Greek mythology stories through drama presentation. I was so happy because I really wanted to portray Eurydice. Sadly, our group was assigned to other story where I became the Goddess of Agriculture, Persephone.

I was jealous to my classmate who portrayed Eurydice. I wanted to portray her role, I really want but there are times where we need to accept things especially if it's not meant for us.

Since we're talking about Presentation, I also got to portray the role of Psyche and was able to represent our School in "Informance Competition" in Division Level. Sadly, I didn't win an award but it's the experiences that counts.

To know more about Psyche, check it here.

Real Name Reveal

Hi! It's me.

My real name is "Jaemaica'. For it not to spell like a country name, my aunt suggested to insert silent " e" between the letters "a & m". Even if there was an E, it's still pronounced as " Jamaica" with a silent "E" .HAHAHA

The funny thing about this was that, my Father and mother wanted to name me "Jan Marie". " Jan" comes from my birthday which is "January" and "Marie" was a combination of my papa and mama's names which are "Vil(ma) and Ci(rie)lo".

As the nurse's asked my father what would be my name, he almost utter the words " Jan Marie" Luckily, my Aunt came and she suggested to name me "Jaemaica".

It's not that I don't like the name " Jan Marie" but I think I prefer the present name of mine..

" A name represents identity, a deep feeling and holds tremendous significance to its owner". - Rachel Ingber

We must always treasure and be proud of our names because this is one of the best gifts that our parents and family gave to us.

That's it. I hope that this article will help you (my read.cash fam.) to know me little by little. I am hoping that we can exchange thoughts and opinions in this site comfortably. Thank you so much and Take care.



The first photo was from ©google.com while the second one was mine.

$ 0.07
$ 0.05 from @Lucifer01
$ 0.02 from @Unity
Sponsors of Eurydice
Avatar for Eurydice
2 years ago


Hello cute lady from Greek mythology. Here is the Devil from hell. Good to see you here. Welcome to the family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi Lucifer, thank you for welcoming me in this platform. Nice meeting you :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Revealing your real name requires a little bit of courage. Most users on ReadCash and NoiseCash adopt nicknames. I use a nickname not to hide myself but because I lost my real-name account due to an auto-flagging issue of the platform. I may also announce my real identity soon. I am very active on LinkedIn, where I have 9k followers. I have been blogging since 2014. I have been featured twice on Forbes Entrepreneur channel articles in 2015 and 2016 for my empathetic engagement on LinkedIn. Let's connect.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh hello. Indeed, revealing our names here in this type of platform requires courage that is why I chose to reveal my first name only. I'm afraid that I might encounter some problems if I reveal my complete name. Your affiliation is kinda impressive. Well, let's get connected. Let's get it on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we are connected here on ReadCash. Let's also shake our digital hands on NoiseCash. I am UnityOne there. What is your username on NC?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

my old account's name in NC was Psyche23. Unfortunately, I'm not that active in that platform and my last post was 4 months ago. By the way, I already subscribed in your channel.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay. Fine. Take your time and enjoy life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Eurydice fits for you ja. Well just don't be close to Poseidon because someone might be jealous and you may end like that girl with many snakes on her head hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If that happens, I will surely turn you into stone, MarCosis HAHAHAH.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also have friends who are into greek mythology and it's really interesting. I think the name Jan Marie is cute too ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahah hello, Greek mythology is indeed interesting because aside from its unique story plots, we can also get a lot of life lessons in it. Take care always :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago