Online Classes Sucks

8 38
03-06-22 | Eurydice

I've been posting articles about what happened during my enrollment'serye which are full of rants and disappointments. But in the end, I was able to process my enrollment and listed as one of the official enrollees in Academic year 2021-2022. This will be our second semester and my last semester in college. After almost 4 years, I am already claiming that I can be able to get my Diploma on June in our Graduation Ceremony.

But again, in every achievements there's always hardships and affliction. I don't know if I become happy and contented of what I learned in Online classes. Is there anything I learned? or I'm just pushing myself in believing that I learned something.


I was a 2nd year college student when the pandemic began. Looking back, I was this happy school girl who was excited to have online classes. I just love the idea of staying in our house while having class. Aside from that, I was able to save money for my fare since I lived far from school. Instead of spending $100/month before in Face-to-face classes, I was able to save at least $96 every month when online class began. My only expenses to attend class is only $4 for my load allowance/month. I can say that I'm enjoying learning at home but as time passed by, I slowly getting uninterested in joining my classes. It came to a point where I chose not to attend in classes because of my laziness and my beliefs that 'even if I don't attend classes, I can still pass by completing the assigned tasks in our google classroom or in google.forms.'

I also got uninterested in joining online classes because of my strict professor. (I already made an article about her and you can search it over if you're interested. ) Are you wondering why? It's because she don't know how to appreciate efforts. I've been doing my very best during her session, I tried to participate in oral recitation even if I'm not that confident with my answer (note: She's meticulous in correct usage of grammar in a sentence), I tried my best in leading my team in a specific report, I tried to make my projects according to her rubrics, I sacrificed my time and effort in doing some paperworks to be submitted to her over and over again (She's perfectionist) and many more. And can you guess what I got in return? I only got 81℅ for my Final Grade Average in her subject. I really don't know if I deserve that or not. But if I were to answer? I don't deserve that, I'm confident because I know where I stand!

Aside from those, I also got uninterested because of intrinsic and extrinsic distractions. I've become more overthinker lately because I'm afraid of what to do after college. Can I find a job easily? What job do I prefer? Am I going to pursue my course? Should I review first before working? Should I take my review while working? What do I really want? Can I just lay and poop money?..! Hays! I don't know. Aside from that, I also experienced common distractions that every online students can relate.

  • I don't have proper learning area to attend my class.

  • I lived in a noisy environment.

  • Internet connection is bad sometimes.

  • I'm only using mobile phone in attending my class because my laptop is not that suitable for online classes because of SPECS issues.

We had our first class for the second semester last Saturday. Many of my classmates became sad because we're not given the opportunity to have our practicum. Instead of having practicum, the entire second semester will be about solely review activities for the preparation for LET examinations. From that moment I realized that my whole student life is a curse. From being one of the first batch of K-12 curriculum to a so called graduates of online classes.

I can really say that the knowledge and skills that I have right now are not enough to supply the needs of my students in the future. Our teacher once asked us last Saturday about the role of the teacher and why we chose to become one. She said that a teacher must not be daft. After hearing those words, I slowly reflected on my capabilities and based on my assessments, I can say that I'm not ready to become a teacher who molds the students to become a civilized member of the society. In other words, I'm not that competent enough.

Author's Note: I'm feeling so down lately because of our class' schedule next week. I'm so tired and drained. Online classes makes me feel weak everyday. Anyways, Goodnight everyone. Praying for a better tomorrow.

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I'm glad you were able to enroll despite all the problems you had my friend. There are many classes to learn in and many to not learn in, whether online or in person, it is up to you to keep researching and learning in your own way, you will not always graduate with all the answers, there will always be something new you need to learn, you can start by learning it yourself, believe in yourself.

I think spending $100 a month on airfare alone is crazy, it's a lot of money or at least that's how I see it, $100 is a lot to pay for airfare alone. The good thing is that you have been able to save it.

Right now there are many people depressed for different reasons and it is valid, it is something normal, but try not to stay too long in that state of depression, try to do things that you like or encourage you, talk to a friend, watch a movie, draw, dance, listen to music, do something that makes you feel better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for this ;( I really need this kind of motivation as of the moment ;( You're right, once our teacher told us that we are responsible of our own learning. Learning doesn't just end in the 4 corners of the classroom, it can be done in different ways such as learning alone with the use of educational videos, books and educational articles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, now there are many ways to learn that did not exist before and much easier. At least right now I am learning to draw and make animations thanks to free internet courses, before our parents didn't have these learning possibilities, so we have to make the most of them. We have to plan our time for learning, working and doing what we like.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're taking an Education course Eurydice. We're the same I'm education too but I didn't pursue it because I don't have a passion in teaching. There's something else in my heart. I follow it. 🥰

There are a a lot of big differences regarding the online classes and face-to-face classes Eurydice. I agree that it's preferable if you listen the lessons from face-to-face than online but I know you can still make it Eurydice. Be positive always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much friend.. It's nice to hear that we're from the same course. I can deeply relate to you because I also don't see myself pursuing a teaching career. Maybe I'll just find another job that is fitted for my preferences. Thank you for motivating me :) Laban lang jud

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You don't want to teach also Eurydice? Yes Eurydice, follow the things that makes you happy and comfortable. You're always welcome.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Internet connection is the main problem in online class, online class is fun specially when you explore diffrent educational application. If you are using google classroom, you will enjoy the intereactive collaboration of your classmates

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sir, it's fun at first but after sometime I became used to it and I'm not excited to use it anymore

$ 0.00
2 years ago