Happy 100,000 views in Youtube (Jam Archives)

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2 years ago
03-02-22 | Eurydice

I woke up early today for me to work on my enrolment serye. I hope that this day will be good to me because I wanted to finish this errand as soon as possible. In my past articles, I have shared my rants of what happened during the first day of enrolment and you can read it here.

Note: That intro was made this morning. I was not able to finish it because I have to focus on my appointments.

Anyways back to the main purpose of this article, I would like to share one of my achievements and that is to get 100,000 views in YouTube. Yey!!!

I created my Youtube Account last Nov. 30, 2019. But I started to upload videos last 2020 because I wanted to save it for future references.

I don't have specific contents in my YouTube Channel. I just really made it for me to store and watch it in the future. Some of my contents are

  • Lyric Videos

  • Tutorial Videos

  • Teaching Demonstration Videos

  • Vlogs

  • School reports and presentations

I can't believe that even if my YouTube channel is not that organized because it didn't follow a certain genre, there are still viewers who subscribed in it where it has reached 448 subscribers.

Maybe you're wondering why it was named "Jam Archives". Well here is the explanation.

" Jam" came from my name which is "Jaemaica" and "Archives" because the sole purpose of that channel is to keep and store the videos that I made in my online classes and such for me to have a remembrance. (I want my future kids to watch how their Mama become addicted to vlogs and editing stuffs. Haha)

For almost 2 years of uploading different stuffs, here are the Top 3 videos with most views among the 91 videos I made.


I made this video out of boredom. From the first time I heard this song, I got so touched because this is the song that is commonly used in Teacher's Day Celebrations. Since I'm a teacher in the making, this song really helped me to realize the role of the teachers to their students' lives.. If you're a teacher, I can guarantee that this song will make you realize your true value and your worth as a catalyst of change.


This was my first Teaching Demonstration Video. I can't say that it's perfect, but I'm still happy because I was able to impress my teacher with that one. There are a lot of mistakes in that video when it comes to correct usage of grammar. I just realized it after watching it multiple times. But experience is the best teacher. I still need to improve.


I made this one because I love Lay-outing. As a matter of fact, my classmates once asked me if I can make them a Birthday Tarpaulin Layout. Here are my products:

Note: PicsArt is the key.

By the way, this is my most favorite video out of 91. We got the highest grade in that video. hahaha SkL

This is the sample of my Tutorial video.

That's it!! If you have time, feel free to visit it. Just don't be annoyed with my voice HAHAH by the way, I just want to inform everyone that I'm officially enrolled!! Yehey!! Congrats self.

Thank you everyone for reading.

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Thank you dear sponsors.

Take care everyone.


Β©All images were mine

Β©Lead image was mine

$ 1.46
$ 1.39 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @renren16
$ 0.01 from @Athaliah
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Sponsors of Eurydice
Avatar for Eurydice
2 years ago


Excellent friend, how nice that you have reached that great goal. I am happy for you, I wish you many more successes and many more followers in read.cash as well as in youtube.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wowww vlogger yan. Congrats sayo sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat Sis😍😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Vloggger na blogger pa hahaha when na mamonetized ja haha congratulations ❣️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks Kang .. Layo pa kaayo's tinuod hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Vlogger man diay ka ate uyy, Congrats πŸŽ‰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat Lods, hahah vlogger kay way lingaw πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hay hala, sikat ka pala na vlogger ha.. Congratsuu sissy..πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahha dleh Sis uy, wala lang lingaw ahhaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Monetized nayan jaaa ayaw unya ko kalimtiii hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Layo pa kaau sa tinuod, Macky HAHAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago