Professional must undergo licensure examination, whether it is Teachers, Engineers, Doctors, Nurse, Accountant and me Agriculturist to be registered as true professionals.
Subjects of my Exam
Licensure Examination for Agriculturist has 6 subject to pass
1. Crop Science
2. Soil Science
3. Crop Protection
4. Animal Science
5. Agriculture Economics and Marketing
6. Agriculture Extension
You had to get 75% correct answer for 100 questions, if you got 74% or below even just one subject the mark will be FAIL. And luckyly I got 80% total mean of all the subjects.
We have 3 days to complete the whole test. Each day we have 2 subjects, one for morning 8:00AM to 10:00AM. Finish or not next test will begin at 1:00PM to 3:00PM. No extensions.
The Room was full of pressure, no one dares to speak loud, laugh and even move.
Did you already got the chance to take the Licensure Exam? How it feel inside the room?. I really love to read on comment 😍
1. Crop Science
Focusing on Plant, and Plant Nutritions. Crop Science is my main field of study. All Crops, Plants, Grains are studied in this subject. Characteristic and behavoir, genetics and varieties etc.
We grow different kind and varieties of plant. Rice, corn, legumes, seeds, nursery plants and many more.
What interesting in crop science is that, we can grow food organically for ourselves or business venture. No more chemical application.
To my next article, We will discuss organic farming that could you follow from own house. DIY or Do it you own fertilizer that is available on your house.
If you got plant or want to take care plant , I will help you on my future articles.
2. Soil Science
We studied color of soil, what nutrient present in the soil. How to maintain the fertility of soil for crops plantations.
Soil Scientist, are the person engaged on soil science. All macro and micro minerals that is present on soil, formation and alignment of soil.
Fertilization and Irrigation of the soil.
3. Crop Protection
Entomology- study of insects. Yes Agriculturist must pamiliarized all the common insects pest with their scientific names. How to control or eradicate those pest.
4. Animal Science
Raising of animals, feeding and giving nutrition to farm animals. Animal scientist can become farm veteranary.
We need to review all the animals with scientific names, how they give birth to thier litters and many more.
5. Agriculture Economics and Marketing
Agriculturist as entreprenuer. They teaches us how to start business, process and market.
Business Planning
Return of investments
6. Agriculture Extension
Main goal of this is helping farmers, to process and preserve thier harvest. Or creating new business opportunity for development.
Trainers are working free with collaboration of Universities who has Agriculture as their program.
How I passed the Exam?
Now you know the six subjects. How did I passed the exam?
1. Old notes and books
I collected my old notes, compile in one folder and even created new notes for latest article or trivias.
2. Review Seasion
I also went on some private review program near my place. Well its really help a lot, you could encounter new things that the school might not teaches you.
3. Call Professors
I always make sure i contact my teachers, they have great help if something wasn't went easy or you have to solve things you cant even tried many times.
4. Pray
Be preared but dont forget to ask help from almighty. Hes your first and last hope, leave your worries before entering the examination room.
Hi folk, thanks for reading my article ❤ I think you have heres mine
Great tips. I know that exams are a very difficult and exciting period in the life of every student. We are very worried and try to show the best result. And when preparing, it's best to use additional resources and prep courses like which I recently read about in this review. In my opinion, this is the best option to improve your level of knowledge before such a responsible period.