The Potential in You

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2 years ago

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It is a beautiful Wednesday morning a very cold morning with a bright rising sun that shows how beautiful today is going to be so I believe today is a good day.

The potential in you is the topic for today and before I say anything I will like to ask some questions:

What is the potential in you?

Did you think you have good potential?

How are you making use of your potential?

And what kind of potential did you have?

Firstly someone needs to know the potential in them before thinking of what to do or the step they should take because if you don't have the potential to hand something that thing can never work and that is why you keep seeing some people laying hands-on business with a huge amount of money but at the end, the business will crash and they will end up with dept.


And some other people doesn't have enough potential to handle a particular post at work but it was given to them and in the end, they messed up.

This topic made me remember when I just started learning hairstylist then I was always scared if am capable to handle it but along the line, I realized that the potential is in me before I took the step because if I glance at the way my boss is making hair once it has already sunk into my head and when I get home I do try to practice what is on my head so that makes me believe that I have the potential to be a good hairstylist don't mind me am just trying to explain better and to make myself as an example of what am writing.

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Another thing is that how are you making use of the potential in you? This question is a good one because some people are in this life that has good potential but they choose not to use it while some even ignore their potential meanwhile potential is just like a talent in you which God gave everyone to make it in life but because we have something else in mind we tend to forget about the potential in us.

Some are even using their potential but in a wrong way for example someone that knows how to handle the internet very well but instead of making use of it in a good way he or she chooses to scam people through the internet just like two guys that I use to know they both went to computer school to know about computing and when they graduated one of them open school and start teaching people how to use a computer and the other one make use of his computer knowledge to do internet fraudster and scam people through media.


Some don't even know the kind of potential they have and they keep jumping from one business to another, for instance, you are a marketer that knows how to convince people to buy from you but along the line, you got sacked at work and then you forgot about marketing complete looking for another job to do, to me I believe such person should start his or her own business since you have the marketing potential already because that will help you a lot but instead she chooses to quit and sell her body for survival since she knows plenty people already.

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Some things are happening to people in life because they choose to let go of their potential, they choose to ignore their potential and they choose to overlook the good potential they have in them and then they keep complaining about the hardship of life.

God has given you what to use so why not make use of it because to me I believe there is no one who doesn't have potential in them but they might not discover it yet while some know it but they don't want to God for it.

Your potential is the key to your survival.

Thanks for reading.

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2 years ago


I agree friend. Each one of us has different potentials and some of it not discovered yet. Yes my friend, some potentials are use in bad things like you've mentioned the "Scam". It's really a sinful one.

As an individual we should choose the life of being a good person in this world. God gave us a potential so we should use it in a good way. Use it to inspire everybody. Use it to motivate the others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah our potential is giving to us by God to be use for good thing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Perfectly said...we need to find our potential and make good use of it instead of using it otherwise.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah that's the truth o

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2 years ago