My first Work Experience

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3 years ago

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Hello everyone, how are you all enjoying your new month? Yesterday I saw everyone posting on how big or small they have achieved on noise and read but as I am still very fresh here nothing to calculate yet and on noise,my account is not earning as well but I know with time it will come back to normal.

So today am talking about my working experience though I have plenty of working experience the good ones and bad ones so am just going to share one of it with you and thanks for reading.

There is an adage that says "experience is the best teacher", I didn't understand it until I became an adult.

After my secondary school education, I was patiently waiting for the JAMB exam so that I can go to the university. One of my elder sister-friend got me a job so that I won't just be at home sleeping and waking, it would be an opportunity for me to save some money ahead of my admission too.

The job was in a hotel, at first I didn't see anything wrong working in a hotel simply because I am not going there to sell my body for money, I am going there to work for my money but I never knew I was wrong until I started to work in a hotel as a receptionist.

Is there anything wrong been a receptionist? And is there any other thing receptionist does than to take a record of drinks and rooms then account to the manager? Here in my country some receptionist are still the one serving drinks, that's not my problem as long as am getting paid for my service.

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So when I resumed work, what I got there is different from the knowledge I had about the receptionist job. I was the other way around because what I was thinking is quite different from what I met at the hotel.

Then, I was just a little girl who just finished secondary school and doesn't know anything about life yet all I think of then is how to become a doctor in my life. To my little knowledge then, I thought if I worked and save up I will be able to achieve my dreams.

I have worked for two weeks already and everything was fine with me and my boss because I don't miscalculate and my account is always intact. On that faithful day, I went to make my hair been the first time and the hairstylist asked me to do eyelashes as well and I did it. In getting to my working place everyone was just looking at me as if one big madam entered inside hotel premises because my face looks different.

That same day after I finish selling drinks and giving rooms to everyone I needed to answer, I decided to make my account before I sleep that night because it's late and I couldn't go home. My boss just showed up and sat beside me talking but I didn't respond to him because am calculating the drinks which I sold for the day.

The next thing I heard from him was that I should take a gold circle and meet him in room 1 which is a personal room in the hotel. I looked up maybe it was the breeze that blew those words into my ear then I ask again, sir what did you say?

My boss: Take a gold circle condom and meet me in room 1.

Me: what is a gold circle?

Boss: are you a baby or haven't you seen it before?

Me: see what I don't know what you are talking about

Then he came inside the barricade that receptionist do stay and took out the gold circle condom, I laughed and told him is this not a balloon that little kids play with, he replied me what? No, it is used for sex.

I ask again so why did you want me to take it and follow you?

He replied again just take it and follow me.

That was how I got mad and yell at him saying:

What did you take me for?

What did you think am here for and besides you are old enough to be my father and yet you want to lay with me.

When he saw how mad I was he just said cool down, I was just playing with you and I thought you are a bad girl that's why I tested you, then my mind was at ease again.

The day I told one of the staff about it, I don't know why the girl opened up to me, maybe is God that wanted me to quickly leave that place. She told me everything about the man and every one of his staff he has slept with including her. In the end, she now said am the only one he hasn't slept with in the whole hotel.

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I took a deep breath because I was confused why he's doing that but I didn't act as if I knew anything. I finished up my work for the day and acted as if am coming back the next day but in my mind, I am not going there again simply because I will be doing night shift the next day and if I don't agree with him he might want to force me that's why I quickly quit his job.


My conclusion now is that why do all these old men keep spoiling little girls life?, assuming I wasn't mad at him that day he would have gotten me and have his way with me.

Everyone should always train their children especially girls to be smart and always vigilant simply because there are lots of bad men out there looking for little girls to destroy.

Now when I noticed any man making any funny moves around me I know where he's heading to even without him saying anything to me because my experience has taught me a lot .

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3 years ago


Awww. That is ridiculous! Grr. I hate meeting man like that, to be honest. Perv and thinks they can be charming to everyone, lol

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are so brave Sis, I'm proud of you! That man will face the consequences of his wrong doings on the right time.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Definitely he will because what he's doing is so wrong

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Damn, that's a very terrible experience and it goes to show what females usually face in work places. Sexual harassment is the order of the day and business owners and CEOs feels like they can get anybody they want simply because they are the boss. It's a good thing you quit the job before it got out of hand

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes because if I don't agree easily my instinct is telling me he will take it by force so I quickly quit before that happens

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly, it was a good idea to quit before things got out of hand

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hmmm, this is a very crazy experience. That's how many men that hold top positions do to ladies and even married women. Ladies need to be careful out there they shouldn't say because they need job badly, they should do what they regret later.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes because some men are not ready to help for God sake but to take something in return

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, that's what most men do

$ 0.00
3 years ago

we are in a world where many of the men are wolves in their shape. They took every girl for advantage and think it is easy for them You are really blessed when the girl save you by telling you all the truth

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I am stubborn in nature so that doesn't make any man to come closer to me easily unless I just want to

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thats realy good for you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks sis it is

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My friend, thank God you escaped the trial, but why would you work in a hotel where people lodged with ladies? It a temptation zone and anyone running such a business is not different from those who pays to use the lodge.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Well when there is no option for someone to survive any means you see then you take it and that was what happened

$ 0.00
3 years ago

He is a shameless man. That's how they prey on young and innocent kids. Thank God you left before he looked for another trick to get you to bed.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I am telling you and now I always look at some little girls bragging about this bad act having some who is old enough to be their father as a man friend not knowing that they are just using them to satisfy their sexual life

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True, there are many bad people out there that will take advantage of the vulnerability of young women. This should not be neglected in society this leads to trauma to young girls who were just trying to make a living.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I wonder how many girls life they might have destroyed

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Too bad the manager tried to take advantage of you, that's how they go about destroying the lives of young girls because they have offered them or want to offer them a job.

Glad you didn't fall into his trick, it is important we teach our kids sex education to help them make right decision when issue like this comes up.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

It is really good for a girl child to be lecture very so that she won't fall into those bad tricks

$ 0.00
3 years ago