There are two sets of people in the world.
The Achievers
The Mediocres
Everybody has the chance to choose where he or she should belong.
These two sets of people can live in the same physical and environmental conditions, receive same instructions, training and directives, but they will act differently because they have different mindsets. This will bring about difference in their opinions.
Achievers are positively oriented people, who believe not just in their dreams, but also believe that anything good can come out of them.
Mediocres are the opposite of achievers. They never believe in themselves and they always talk themselves down to failure.
Until we remove the word 'not' or ' i cannot ' from our heart and lips, then we ain't ready to be achievers.
A group of people questioned the Wright Brothers who were trying to invent a machine that would fly. To the amazement of everyone, the Wright brothers birthed their famous thought.
Until we are brainwashed from mediocrity, we ought to remain mentally miniature.
Let's learn to believe in something good and stand by it. Camping around possibility thinkers draws us closer to achieving great things.
There are killer companies, killer statements, negative actions and reactions to the things that make for success. Let's beware of them. Great and outstanding achievers are those who stand on the platform of success to bring down failures on their way. They do not give room to intimidation, rather they set their foundation on courage and good self-esteem.
The choice lies in our hands, i choose to be an achiever. I go after it, no matter what it takes, hoping to see the light at the end of the tunnel some day.
I assume I fall under the achievers, Positive dreamers.