Simple methods to control diabetes

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3 years ago
Topics: Health

How to control diabetes?

Many of us panic when we are diagnosed with diabetes and think our lives may be over. But there is nothing to panic about, diabetes is a common disease and if you can control diabetes, your normal life will not be disrupted. You can avoid all kinds of complications and you can live like all ordinary people. However, diabetes must be well controlled and that is possible only through your efforts. Let's take a look at what it means to have diabetes well-controlled.

Diabetes under our control means that if the level of diabetes or blood sugar level is below 8 millimoles per liter on an empty stomach. The food should be in 6 ml mole per liter for two hours. The 3 month average sugar is called HB1C. HB1C should be below 8. HB1C 6-7-8 is called a rule. This means that we should aim for the value of HB1C to be between 7-8-8. In order to bring this control, you need to make some changes in your life style. The biggest change will be in your eating habits and body exercises. Not only are diabetics forbidden to eat sugary sweets, they also need to eat less simple carbohydrates or simple sugars. Eat complex sugars that take a long time to break down. For example, we can exclude rice from wheat bread, corn-based foods, or various complex sugary foods. Simple sugars like sugar, cakes, pastries should be avoided. And the sugars that we will take should be taken in a certain amount at a certain time. We need to eat different types of food by sharing our time, maintaining discipline and eating on time. The rule of diabetes is not to overeat and to eat small meals. Not only sugar, we also have to follow some rules in eating non-vegetarian or fatty foods. In the case of meat, we can rely on milk, eggs, fish, meat. Beef or mutton has high levels of fat so it is best to avoid these. Because the more diabetic patients lose weight, the less body fat they have, the faster diabetes will come under its control. So the less you eat high calorie foods, such as junk food, fried foods with ghee, etc., the more your weight will be normal. Which will make diabetes control easier.

Then there is the matter of exercise - the only exercise for diabetics. This is because when a diabetic patient starts walking, starts exercising regularly, the ineffectiveness of insulin in his body decreases. Then his body's insulin began to work better. Each cell then becomes sensitive to insulin. It turns out, you can control your diabetes without medication. So now the question is, how do we exercise?

We need to exercise at least 150 minutes a week or 3 days a week at a moderate level. It can be 30-35 minutes or 25-30 minutes of exercise. Exercise or walking should be at a level that makes your heart beat faster and your breathing faster. Through which you can understand that your lungs and heart are working. And there are 3 parts to this exercise.

The first part is to warm up, that is, to prepare the body. Then you have to start walking and cool down or rest at the end. If you can exercise regularly in this proper way and do 150 minutes or 3 days a week cycling, swimming or gym or any other type of exercise then controlling diabetes will be a very easy thing for you. You will still need to take medication or take insulin as advised by your doctor. You need to learn to check your diabetes regularly. Instead of going to the doctor every three or four months to get tested, buy a glucometer at home and test it yourself every few days. It can be after a few days or after a week. It is best to check your sugar once a week, on the day of your holiday. Then you can understand if your diabetes is under control or if you need a doctor's advice. Lead an orderly life, stay free from any disease.

(Note- I wrote this article in my own language then I translated into english. Forgive my mistakes. Thanks)

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Health


There was a time when I was sick. The Doctor suggests a diabetes test to know if that's the reason for my sickness, A shiver runs down my whole body as am scared, But he notices and tells me not to worry there is medication for it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you my friend, i was seriously happy by seeing such post, because i now get some knowledge of how to control this kinds of desess, and also i can tell to others people.

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3 years ago