Piso Per Hair
Pulling white hair to my grandfather for 1 Piso
photo reference: Google adobe stock
As time goes by, It became our Filipino tradition to pull white hair from our mother, grandmother, father, and grandfather, our oldies gave us tasks to do that but as a child, we tend to love to play outside than do that boring task, but our grandfathers give us a deal we find hard to reject, they gave a deal every white hair we see and pull to their head, they will give us a reward, peso per hair so that we could turn our attention pulling their hair instead of playing around the house. It builds interest to us way back then 1 Piso is enough to buy 1 piece of candy, gum, or a snack of our choice at the sari-sari store
photo reference:https://www.google.com/search?q=sari+sari+store&rlz=1C1GCEA_enPH1010PH1010&sxsrf=ALiCzsaVIndNQ9KUpeJBBIpxOPQJHuLCQg:1663826575858&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiIjJaA3af6AhXD7WEKHfdHDP0Q_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1366&bih=568&dpr=1#imgrc=ySRVsWAEKUPU0M
A sari-sari store is a macro business, a mini convenience store just in front of our neighbor, we live in a small town where there are fewer buildings and far from the city, we don't have 7 eleven back then. but the good thing is, we can buy break cases, buy snacks per piece, and can save money to do so.
That is why pulling the hair on our oldies puts an interest in our little minds as kids instead of asking for money, we work hard pulling white hair to earn one Piso coin hahah
we use our bare hands to pull hair but to make our work easier we use a tweezer
tweezer is a simple jig to ease our job more comfortably, I never thank the one who did invent this brilliant tool, now that I'm older enough, tweezer is invented on June 8, 1935, by J Zeaaare vi e/dawn patented June 1937
a simple tool becomes a token of joy from our little hearts who happily use it pulling our grandparent's white hair , funny to think back then how simple our lives were, simple yet happy, unlike the generation today, technology took over.
it may look simple tool but the happiness it gave to both party is priceless, Maybe before I don't understand why our oldies love to pull white hairs, now that I became an adult, I'm the one giving Piso per hair to my little cousins pulling that curly hair which we called in our vernacular language " kulantong" it is a curly and itchy hair to tackle, thats why we feel relief once the curly hair is pulled to our head
Kami dati sa buhok ng kilikili naman HAHAHAH