What Is Your Value

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3 years ago

The question remains: What is our value? How much are we worth? I want to share a simple illustration with you.

A woman goes to a boutique and finds a dress that costs $200. If she decides to pay $200 for the dress, it means she values the dress enough to give up the $200, right? Now I want you to think about how much God values you. What was the price He was willing to pay to purchase your forgiveness and your salvation (which includes your health, your peace, your wholeness, and your mental soundness

The Bible tells us that God did not spare His own Son. But do you know who God did not spare His own Son for? Who He gave His own Son up for? You according to Rom. 8:32. Our Lord Jesus was God’s only begotten Son, the Son whom He loved, the Son who was daily His delight as it is written in Prov. 8:30.And yet, God loved you so much that He gave His Son up for you as it was said In John 3:16.

God paid for your redemption with the blood of His Son. That is how much God values and loves you! God paid for your redemption with the blood of His Son. That is how much He values and love you.

In everything we engage ourselves into let's make God our first priority because he will surely give us good result

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