Behind His Back

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1 year ago

There are so many different people in this world who have been the reasons why some other people are suffering. They are those behind the downfall of people. They are not ready to make people's lives comfortable, instead are just ready to make their lives a state of swift happiness.

Do you think that the one who harms people would remain happy? Their happiness can only last for just that moment. Their happiness is just within a very short period. The end shall justify the means.

It's only the end that can justify who is the best or who is wrong or who will win the race. It's a race which demands winning. It demands one person to win while the other loses. The one who loses is the one who is making the fellow's life a pit of hell.

A man tried hard to put his neighbour in bars. He tried hard and indeed he succeeded. This man is always the opposite of truthfulness. He is the true and real reason people are suffering. He has a character of taking what does not belong to him. Everyone has tagged him as this kind of person. He is known to be the best choice of the superior of the land in which we lived. So, he uses the advantage. the one who she chose to follow.

The only thing he does is cause trouble and what he gets is vindication. Yes… the wrong vindication. The whole people of this superior always support him. This is the reason why I called it false vindication. This is what he gets because it is yet his time to fall or to go back to the dungeon.

Now he has a trend on the lion's tail. The one who claimed his right was the one who no one knows to have people. He has a good reputation and everyone has been in support of him. So, when this said man took away what belonged to him, he tried to fight hard but one way was deprived. He never backed down but tried hard to take the case further. After some time, justice was on his side.

The law has recorded that he is the owner and the rightful owner of the properties. The land the wicked one has tried to take away from him has a sea of owe. This means he is the rightful owner of the land and properties which everyone has testified to.

After some months, the case was brought forward and the superior denied him. He has one way or the other put his superior into danger and has placed his superior in a state of confusion. He was only revived just because of his reputation. So, this time he could not testify and instead backed off.

After two years, the one who had been claiming people's properties had a stroke and was taken to a place where he would be treated. They got to the place and behold, it was one of the men whom he had reaped many benefits. He was the same man who had claimed his properties some time ago. This man had never for once forgiven him. So, when he was brought to the house of the man, immediately he thought twice about whether to save him or to let him suffer. He could not allow a soul to suffer instead told the man about what he had done to him. This man had to apologize just to save his head and to save him from his recent predicament.

He also promised to repent from his wicked ways. Also, he gave all he had collected from the innocent man those he had offended, the innocent man told him to go home and beg them for forgiveness. He got him treated and indeed, this wicked being got tested and changed for good.

Sometimes, the law of karma can always take its place. Those we are hurting unjustly can always come out vindicated. They can always be victorious.

If you are still in your wicked ways, you still have the opportunity to change because that person that has been backing you may change and you may not have anyone to fall back to.

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Written by
1 year ago
