Anger Can Aggravate Anger

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1 year ago

Anger Can Aggravate Anger

The fact remains that we should not let anger into our lives. Making ways to resolve your anger is very much important.

Do you know that anger can cause and can cost you so many losses in life? This is a fact which we all can't dispute about. When you are angry, many things can be spoiled and so many things as well as people would lose trust in you except those who are ready to enjoy your immediate doubt.

Being in anger can make you lose your dignity and your personality. Your dignity in the society you lived in idi very important and so when it is let loose, then you would be the worst ever.

Learning how to control your anger is important. Do you know that you can make rash decisions which can tarnish your image and destroy the image of the one you are concluding on? This is a fact and due to anger so many people have wasted their lives unjustly. Innocent people have been defeated just because of your last conclusion which was as a result of anger.

As a leader, you don't need to jump into conclusion just to save your leadership or just to make some people happy, but you just need to silence your anger and face reality. Silence that deep pain called anger in you and focus on the reality.

I saw a man who made the decision to kill someone after being angered outside. He never allowed the second party to judge, instead concluding just because of anger.

Anger can drive you from your immediate seat. That position you are in today is what many people are dying to have and so when you are angered, this would.give them apportionment to penetrate into your affairs.

Anger can Aggravate Anger which can make you do what is not expected of you.

If you have been angered before or you are angered, just calm down and make the best decision. Calm down because all eyes are on you.

Saving your dignity is important instead of fighting with anger. You wouldn't want to be disgraced. Some people have lost their lives just to anger. Just allow settlement to take its place.

The result of anger is regret. What I meant is that after anger cones regret. You will regret why you were suppose not to do.

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1 year ago
