This is how these busy days passed...

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1 year ago

My dear ones, hello, how are you? I hope you are well and in good health. Have a happy and memorable weekend with your family and your loved ones.

First of all, let me thank my dear supporters, subscribers, visitors and voters for their constant support. Thank you for always being by my side, and giving me strength with your kind presence. Being with you is a great blessing for me. I thank God for having you in my life.

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Please forgive me for visiting read cash late these days. As I told you before, I am really busy these days. After my cousin's wedding, I got involved in organizing a birthday party for my husband. And now it's the last week that we are here and after that our journey of one or two months will begin. We have to do some of our works. Do some shopping, and pack our bags.

My cousin went on her honeymoon just two days after her wedding. She used to send us her beautiful photos. And we all could understand how genuine all her laughs were in those photos. We could understand her happiness. Her eyes sparkled in all photos. She had never traveled in her single life. And this was even the first trip of her life that she experienced with her husband, and we were all happy to see her good mood.

For my husband's birthday, I was busy preparing food and birthday cake for my husband from two days before his birthday. His birthday cake was perfect. So when I told our guests that I baked this cake myself, no one believed me. Everyone thought we had bought this cake. The cake tasted great. It was well puffed, and I put cream and bananas inside, which made it taste really wonderful. And I had used fruits, flowers and leaves to decorate it.

My husband's birthday cake that I baked myself.

For dinner, I had made dumplings, pesto pasta and some sort of stuffed eggplant. My husband also cooked his own homemade chicken stroganoff. The food was great. But I forgot to take a picture of the dinner table. I had also prepared this finger food table for the guests to taste.

As I said before, we were invited to one of our friends' birthday on Friday night. As I said, she is very rich and certainly her birthday was celebrated very grandly, but we did not go to her birthday. Because these days in our country, Covid-19 has become a pandemic again, and it has spread a lot. Considering that we have a travel plan next week, we did not participate in the birthday for fear of contracting this disease. We just called our friend, wished her a happy birthday, and apologized for not being there.

In the days ahead, I have to do some shopping, pack travel gear, prepare the house for our absence, and prepare my client's orders. Pray for me to be able to manage everything well. Forgive me if I am absent these days. Know that I always remember you. And my heart beats for you. I love you all. Take good care of yourself.

Lead image source: Captured by my phone.

$ 0.40
$ 0.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @GarrethGrey07
$ 0.03 from @TheGuy
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Avatar for Ellen.he
1 year ago


Belated happy birthday to your husband! the cake look so good by the wayπŸ˜‰

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That cake looks yummy. Happy birthday to your husband. I'm new here by the way

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks a lot my friend... β˜ΊοΈπŸ™ Wow welcome dear, I wish you luck...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Belated pee burpday to your husband and the cake is very nice. Just take your time my dear Ellen coz me also I take day off once I'm so tired with some stuffs.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you so much my dear Jean, yeah, I think I should take some time to rest these days. so as not to forget anything Thank you, my friend, for always being with me like a kind and caring sister... πŸ€—

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It was good to imagine how happy your cousin my dear, she deserves that happiness. Anyway belated happy birthday to your husband my dear friend. The cake was very beautiful and creative, I like how it looks like. Always take care my dear, the covid-19 wasn't gone yet and so extra care is very important.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks a lot my dear Jenny for your congrats. I'm happy that you liked the appearance of my cake... 😍 Yeah dear, we should be very careful specially that we have a trip ahead...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I missed you a lot! That's great Hellen, that everything went as planned, and that cake was perfect, another thing to be proud of, your hands are very artistic. And yummy that food

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I missed you too my dear Maria... 😍 Thanks a lot my friend, as always you are my great encouraging friend, I appreciate you for your heartwarming words dear... Big hug... πŸ€—

$ 0.00
1 year ago