Not everyday would be meaningful. Some days are repetitive, dull and sometimes you consider "not worth remembering". On those days you feel like you didn't do something remarkable, please note that you still lived that day. Every year you celebrate your birthday is a collection of beautiful and ugly days, of big and uneventful moments.

It might be a memory of a coffee you didn't like and you vowed to never drink again, or a time where the bus broke down and you had to go home at almost two in the morning. Or those silly moments you made eye contact with a good-looking stranger, for the first and last time.

Remember, these little fragments of your days make up years, and decades worth of your life. So, even when you find it difficult, try to live in it. I mean, who else would live your life, right?

Thank you for living. :))

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@Ellehcim posted 2 months ago
