It's hard to wake up for non-"morning persons" like me. Everyday work is a struggle to just the beginning of it. But here I am again, waking up at 5, because I have to make money and survive.

I wonder when the time will come where I have freedom over my time. I can sleep a lot and not compress myself into three to five hours of sleep. That means I have to work harder, so I can retire earlier.

Though how can I, when I am a bread winner? I can't even save properly, and it makes me laugh a funny, bitter laugh. Life is hard! But we gotta move. We don't wanna be miserable in this life—we don't got a second chance.

So, even if it's hard, just waking up and choosing to work is an achievement already, let's keep the momentum going. You won't realize it, and it's weekend again.

Keep going! Maybe the next week, we don't have to work as hard as we do now.

Blessed morning everyone!

$ 0.31
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@Ellehcim posted 5 months ago
