Not everything went according to plan today. Some of my pending submissions were, as always, again, approved late, so I couldn't submit it until such time. I sometimes wonder of people are just really busy, or they do not regard other people's time?

They are aware how I live far from work and the number of hours it would take me to get home, yet, they delay their part on my submissions, causing me to delay my working hours. Why can't they be considerate of people whose residences are far? Good for them, they have cars, they can just pay Grab or whatever, but to me, no. I have to budget my allowance, and especially my time.

I just know it's only through God's provision that I can still function at work even with three to five hours of sleep. I also feel He's not happy with the way I treat the body He gave me.

Anyway, this is just a very random rant on a 12am. Later at work again, I'll probably be okay again. And probably be more okay when payday comes. For now, just releasing my frustrations so this would not pent up.

$ 0.08
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@Ellehcim posted 3 months ago
