Grant me this wishes!

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10 months ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...

Imagine that one day, you're walking, shoulders slumped, tears just dried, hopes lost, with another rejected opportunity... then comes a weird looking oil lamp on the side of the street. It's nighttime and really dark—dark as your situation, but, for some reason, this lamp glimmered as if it never did before.

You picked it up and got the sudden urge to clear it of some dust, when a blinding light quickly filled your wonderstruck eyes. Before you know it, a big blue guy with beard magically appeared before your eyes, with a big smile on its face, offering to grant you three wishes..

We don't know for sure, if in some parts of this universe, a genie truly exists. I, for one, don't believe he's real—yes, he's straight from the books. However, it's a real genius idea for someone to think about a magical being who can grant three wishes.

I kept thinking it won't be good, though, if we had Genie in the real world. If so, the world will be in chaos. It's so predictable that he will be under the hands of the rich, the most powerful, and they themselves will solely enjoy the benefits of having Genie by their side. And as usual, the weak, and the poor are left helpless. It's a corrupt world.

No one asked me to share my thoughts, but I just figured I should. Anyway, it's an actual riddle to me, about what I would say if I'd be given the chance to have my wishes granted.

Three is too much, at the same time, it's too little. The fact that any wish can be granted put so much weight on my shoulders and gives me the impression that I might regret what I'd wish. It's harder than the previous evaluation exams I had back in college.

Well, assuming I met Mr. Genie right now, and he says the magic words, I'd not say a word until I make up my mind.

Three wishes

My first wish would be for all my loved ones to be healthy and genuinely fulfilled for the rest of their lives. That means, they'd have fun living long, healthy lives in this world, and when the time comes to say goodbye, we'll all just sleep forever, without pain.

It's been in my mind for a long time. I think, knowing that all my loved ones will not suffer of sickness nor depression solves 99% of my problems. Overall, I'll be a happier person, too. I hope Mr. Genie can grant that well.

Just to be clear, I include myself to the "loved ones". I love myself, too. (I am getting there). I also include all our fur babies!

My second wish would most probably be for all wickedness to perish forever. I am not playing righteous here, I'd really just love to live in a world where I don't have to be afraid of walking alone at night, or as simple as be confident with my own skin on social media without getting cyber-bullied. I'd be grateful to live in a place where there is no animal cruelty (RIP Marshall and Millions), or drug addiction that ruins people's lives. Life is sure good without theft, kidnapping, gang fights, or violence. People would just have genuine laughter together, make good memories, and live longer, accomplished lives.

Oh, my goodness. Down to the third wish. What did I forget? Oh, yes, this one. If given the chance, I wish I'd be well off. I want to just live a relaxed life, not having to worry ablut what to feed our family. I want to go on vacation whenever I'd like, without feeling guilty. I want to just say yes to my parents' request without being anxious what to spend the next day. Honestly, I could not care less about getting to the top of the ladder, or being the most powerful person in the world. I just want the life where I can really enjoy simple things, or even luxury, sometimes. I'd love to visit places in the world where the sceneries are heavenly, and try all the yummy delicacies there. I want to help people in need without worrying for my own.

If I was rich, I'd surely buy my own property where it's surrounded by nature, yet not too far from the town, so I can buy necessary stuff when needed. I'd play music everyday, while dancing shamelessly to jazz or classic songs. I'd learn how to bake, how to play guitar, and have my own regular solo dates. I'd take lots of beautiful pictures to document how I grow old, using a high quality camera I can buy. I'd definitely support lots and lots of stray animal shelters, and of course, our church, too. I'd definitely have my ugly teeth fixed, by scarred skin treated, get a nice wolf cut, get rid of my dark under eyes, buy clothes that fit my style, and build my self-confidence more each day! I'd also go to the concerts of my favorite artists, and talk to them in person if that's possible.

There are lots of things I could accomplish with enough wealth, and, truth be told, my eyes are shining as I imagine them one by one.

So far, these three things are the ones that stood out to me the most, as I freewrite this one. Again, I am really thankful for the mastermind of this challenge, @Coolmidwestguy

Another challenge that surely dug up my brain for ideas!

It's another escape from my reality of being exhausted and burdened with pressures in life. I'd absolutely share my current life lately, but that's for another day! For now, let me just indulge in this fantasy. I'd definitely dream of this tonight!

I am late to join this challenge, yes, but regardless, I had fun writing this one, and I'll surely write about the other two topics! Here's the article I am talking about. Read it now!

Hopes, Dreams, and Wishes Challenge

Well, thanks for coming by, will be back soon!

-Elle (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)

To God be the Glory.

Image from Unsplash


$ 2.58
$ 2.50 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Ellehcim
10 months ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...


Hey I really enjoyed the read. I think you are # 20 and the first to give a detailed account on how you found the vase. I really liked your planning out the article. May your wishes and maybe you dreaming of it become a reality. :)

$ 0.02
10 months ago

I am still waiting for it to happen in my dreams tho.. Lol. thanks for this one, my brain's currently running out of ideas, but these challenges help a lot!

$ 0.00
10 months ago

Those wishes are so nice to hear then, I hope it will come true.

$ 0.01
10 months ago

It may, let's just hope a Genie for me is real hahaha..

$ 0.00
10 months ago