My Introduction
In the world of great challenges, on the ground of controversies where colours abs tribes thrive, a man at a time was born into a great quest for a creative future and a thirst for a foreseen excellence. Today he stands on the verge of impossibilities declaring possibilities. He is called "DeeSophisticated" a branded human for result; a man carved to make things work. He is the incumbent lead-vocalist of DeeSophisticated Crew. A man you'll call "EhmDee".
I was born in a season of love, a season to share, a season to wine and dine. In my journey through the world, over labe and over sea, I see different culture and different people's ways and I've come to discover great people are born in December but the best are born on the '3rd'.
I was born where the sun never set and never rises, I was born where the heat is like a second steam and these has made me independent at a very tender age. As a toddler, I enjoyed every parental love and affection one could ever think of but growing up, I wanted more and my parents could barely meet my needs and I'm left to cater for my wants.
Truth be told, it wasn't easy but I leant to be a man of great virtue and fortitude. On the quest to becoming a better me, I realized some things I do was affecting the people around me and I learnt to say sorry even when I ain't wrong.
I soon gained an admission into one of the prestigious tertiary institution in the country. As a church boy, I joined the choir unit in a campus fellowship; a unit which has been my primary duty post since I was a toddler in the children department, and I have had no break ever since. Leading the praise and worship session in a fellowship of over hundred members gave me zeal that I could do much better and yes! It was the stepping stone into lime light.
My musical career continued even after campus and I soon get invites from churches to minister as a Guest artist. As a minstrel, I grew more fans and friends which is a glimpse of a dream long had
The grass is greener on the other side, that's what I thought before I took the ride straight into the industry, I burnt my bridges so I never look backpack. But if I had known the life I was searching for was looking me right in the eye yet I could not see it.
They say one is poor only if he choose to be, yeah! But I sometimes wish I could trade the fame of my name for a pen, maybe I'd write a dozen and half magazines on ills of stardom. Honestly it's cold up there, one needs his friends to keep him warm but time would not permit. I hardly have time for myself; moving from one program to the other even at night, how then do I have time for old time friends?
Nevertheless, with my little knowledge about life, I have come to realize at every phase of life, the caliber of people you move with defines you; my words sounding metamorphical? When I was a little boy, my dad bought me a bicycle, trust me, consciously or unconsciously most of my friends then were bicycle owners as we cycle through the black soil all around the community. When I was older and was educationally minded, my friends were like-minds. When I started singing, most of my friends are gospel artist. (Irony of life).
It's no time to have tall talks as there is no other word that could be more explicit than this!.
Though brief, the content there cannot be more sensitizing, neither can it be more stimulating especially in a generation where reading culture has been on the drop
Happy Christmas and welcome to 💙🎄