When I meet you, then, I'll know

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Thoughts, Feelings, Reality, ...

It feels impossible to meet someone who would know you in and out and love you as you are.

One day I'll know.

I'll know your birthday.

I'll know your best dance.

I'll know your middle name, your parent's names, where you were born and where you grew up.

I'll know your zodiac sign and personality traits, your eye colour, how many scars you have and the stories behind them.

I will show up at your place of work or school and gift you your favourite food, or favourite flowers.

One day, I'll put you to sleep with a sweet lullaby and wake you up with sweet melodious country music with breakfast just within your reach right there on the bed.

One day I'll know how many cousins you have and how old you were when you first learned how to ride a bike or a car and exactly how many freckles you have.

One day ill know your best friend, your favourite co-worker, and why you love to shop where you do.

One day I'm going to know your favourite book, movie, song, clothes, pair of shoes and colour.

I'll know your dreams, your aspirations, desires, wishes and fantasies, and why you can't sleep at night.

I'll understand why you worry about irrelevant things.

I'll know that when that one song comes on, I'd better turn it up or put it on repeat.

I will memorize your facial expressions, body language, your laugh, your eye movements and when you think something is funny.

Someday I will know the nasty manners you wish you could break, and help us break them together.

I'll know your fears about life and how you don't want to get any older.

I'll know how much you love golden hour and when the sun sets or rises.

I'll know how you love to sit and watch the ripples raindrops make.

I'll know how many kids you want and what colours you want for your wedding and how you wish you could tell all the people that you hurt how sorry you are.

I'll know your favourite travel destination, your cravings and the things that hurt you most.

I'll know that you like your coffee with cream and sugar and lots of it, or Pap and Akara with a bottle of fine wine to wash it down.

I'll know that it takes you forever and a day to decide where you want to eat and what you want to wear and exactly what ice cream you like to order because you never change it.

One day I'm going to know how you dance, kiss, smile, walk and sing.

I'll figure out what to do when you can't stop crying and I'll know exactly what's wrong before you tell me.

I'll know the words to say to make your ribs crack from laughter and know what to do to provoke your tears of joy.

One of these days I'm going to know everything there is to know about you and I'm going to love all of it.

Most importantly, one of these days, I'm going to find you, and get lost in your groove.

One day is all I need.

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Avatar for Edystringz
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Thoughts, Feelings, Reality, ...
