Stop the money thinking instead build your self.
SELF-WORTH is measured by how rich you are. If you are not rich financially, then you do not have any value. You are as good as dead if you are not rich. To make impact and let people respect you, you need to have money. Sadly, this is how most people talk these days. To them, it's either you are rich or you do not have any value. Money is now a yardstick to measure how valuable they are.
I love that aspect of reasoning but it doesn't motivate you to become valuable. Making money is necessary. It is very important. Who doesn't like money? Money answers a lot of prayers. Money is magical. Money makes life easy. What money cannot buy, more money will buy it 😂. Everyone loves money and wishes to be rich. The only thing that won't go down well with me is the orientation that without money, one is useless. If you keep telling yourself this, then you have started to depend on money to prove how valuable you are.
Self-worth is how an individual builds himself that makes him able to acquire money. A person with reputable self-worth knows how well to invest his worth in acquiring wealth. A good sense of self is a priority before money. Money doesn't reveal the true identity of a man who has control over himself. Most people say money changes a man. Yes, money does. It changes a man who has not built himself before acquiring wealth. There are a lot of wealthy people who are not moved by how much they have in their accounts. You see a lot of rich people paying money to attend online tutorials and seminars. It's not because the money they have isn't enough, but they are not moved by it. Money doesn't control a man that knows himself, it only controls those who have no sense of self.
There are a lot of people who have mastered themselves. What we should do before money comes is building ourselves so that when money comes, we can be able to control it. There are a lot of ways to make ourselves valuable. There are a lot of self-discovery books, financial education books, psychological books, seminars, religious books, etc... What you know is what helps you, not what you have.
Money is good but it shouldn't mean the whole world to you. Even the richest men still pay to gain more knowledge. They have the money yet they still seek for knowledge which helps them discover what they can do and how to go about it. Don't allow yourself to be pressured into thinking that money is everything. What happens the day when what you know is supposed to save you, and you don't have anything?. Even when you have, and you still don't know anything, what would happen?.
I do not expect this writeup to go down well with everyone. It's my reasoning. It's what I think because it is what I know. I do not in anyway generalize this writeup. Make money your target, but build yourself so you can be valuable.
Sometimes, words from the wise heals more than a million dollar.