Faith over Fear

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2 years ago
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FEAR, as few as the letters, but has brought many mighty men down. FEAR, as light as it sounds on the tongue, but capable of depriving one of ones greatness. FEAR, a negative emotion. A tool the devil uses. Once he's able to instill it in you, he can go on tormenting you for as long as you're ignorant.

FEAR(False Evidence Appearing Real). It opens your sight to the limitations, barriers, hindrances, distractions that were never in existence. It allures your sight, imagination and reasoning. It creates doubt in you and limits you from taking a bold step of faith.

An emotion that will make you doubt if God is really in existence. If he's in existence, why then do I have to suffer this or that?

You can't pray, you can't invest, you can't go into a relationship, you can't read, because you feel it will always end up in zero.

The fear of what if I fail? The fear of what will people say? The fear of I'm not enough. The fear of others can do better. The fear of I'm not beautiful enough. The fear of I don't have a sonorous voice. The fear of I'm not too good with words. The fear of I'm not creative. The fear of I can't speak English fluently. The fear of I'm an introvert.

The fear that will make one feel one isn't prepared for Golden opportunities. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, but the fear of risk has hindered many from even taking a step.

The fear of what if I fail in getting this job has made many to settle for less. The fear of they're no good men or women out there has made many to settle for a relationship/marriage they never bargained for.

The fear of failure has made many to become their fear. For as a man thinketh, so is he. The question 'What if I fail?' lingering in the heart of many has made them to ignore the other question, 'But what if I succeed?'

The question 'what if?' has caused the grave to be enriched with Golden opportunities that were never obtained, Talents that were never utilized, Gifts that never manifested, Purposes that were never fulfilled, Skills that were never harnessed, Initiatives that were never unveiled, Ideas that were never birthed, Books that were never written, Songs that were never sang, Plays that were never acted...

But, congratulations to you all!!! The fact that you're still breathing is an opportunity to be the change/transformation our generation desire. Will you choose to fail your generation?

Many mighty men you admire today didn't just get there by chance. Many took risk. Many failed a thousand time. What makes the difference is faith and determination.

FAITH, calling those things that be not as though they were.

FAITH, the opposite of FEAR.

The faith of I can't see the success yet, but I'm getting there. The faith of I'm yet to birth this idea but I'm a success already. The faith that keeps you moving irrespective of the circumstances surrounding you.

God knows fear is bound in the heart of man, so he reached out to us via his word, saying, 'fear not for I am with you.'

So, write that book, sing that song, act that play, utilize that talent, shine your light, harness that skill, go for that appointment, birth that idea, with the consciousness that you're a success because you're created in the likeness of your father in heaven.

FAITH is the opposite of FEAR

So, when fear comes knocking, send faith to respond.

It is FAITH over FEAR.

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2 years ago
