Go viral with strategic video marketing.

We go nuts for video! YouTube is the second-most popular search engine; using video will increase your chance of featuring on page one of a Google search by 53 times and it’s predicted that video will account for 90 percent of web traffic in 2017. It’s clear that video is a brilliant tool for your company’s future.

But beware – not just any video will do. Before you start planning your viral videos, build a video marketing strategy. This outlines your goals, your viewers, and how you’ll get your videos to them. With a clear and calculated strategy, you won’t need expensive cameras or stunning lighting.

Take wellness coach Tania, for example. Her business is selling workshops online. Knowing that her audience cares more about quality content than professional studio production, Tania makes videos on her computer to post to YouTube and her blog. She has successfully boosted her visibility and following this way.

Once you’ve got your video marketing strategy in place, how do you go about making the videos themselves? By applying the four Ps of video marketing: Purpose, Premise, Platform and Promotion.

Purpose, of course, refers to your goals. Whether you want to boost visibility of your product or direct traffic toward your long-form content, ensure your purpose is specifically defined!

Next, work out your premise. How are you planning to reach your viewers? How do you want them to respond to your videos, and what devices can you use to trigger that sort of response? Equally important to define is your platform. This entails the style of your video, be it natural, professional, edgy, with an on-camera or off-camera feel. Finally, you’ll need to consider where and how you’ll promote your videos. A thoughtful video marketing strategy will allow you to produce videos that attract the right viewers, stay in their minds and help you get your business out there.

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@Ecstasy01 posted 2 years ago
