It is full of happiness and joy,
It is just like swimming in the rivers of heaven,
It is a place flowing with milk and honey,
I will love to go to my land and live there,
My land, my land full of people with kind hearts,
A land where there is no need to cry,
The land of beautiful birds not bats,
A place where there is nothing too impossible to try,
I can't wait to go and live there,
I can't let anyone keep me here,
No one can hold me back,
I refuse to be kept aside,
It is time to go to my home,
My land of ambitions and dreams,
A place where I am in a good tone,
A place where I am refreshed and forgiven,
I am here and I am not going anywhere.
I am dedicating this poem to @Dolores and her giveaway contest. I want to win that contest at all costs. I have found someone who believes in me and can really bring out the talent in me. Her name is @Dolores and I will do my best.
You can bring out that best in you. I can see a gradual improvement. Just keep it going. 😊