Jason and Jessica

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2 years ago

Mov 1

Location: classroom

Xters: president, vice president &financial sec

INT: Day

Props &set: 

Cam mov : camera establishing on students and their faculty leaders giving them orientation.


 Good evening students, welcome to……..university. as you all know, this institution its known for its academic excellence, high moral standards and utmost excellence in every sphere of life.

With me here is Mr. Sam.( who stands by his right hand side) the vice president ( he beams a smile as he waves the students) You can always reach out to him. And by my left is Mr. Elvis, you director of sports and socials

Also…….(A student is seen from the crowd putting up her hand)


 Okay, what’s it?


 I’m sorry Sir , but you did not introduce yourself.


 Forgive my manners, and thanks for the observation. My name is Mr. Emmanuel, the president.

Ehhmm…Ill leave my colleagues to chip in a few words in their own fields.

Director of socials please. (he said while pointing towards the stage, apparently calling on him to take over the stage)

Mr. Elvis (D.O.S)

Like Mr. President rightly said, my name is Elvis

 (A student from the background in a loud voice)


 “Elvis” (The students in the background laughs, while Mr. Elvis wryly smiles)

Mr. Elvis:

 Just call me Mr. Elvis, I am your sports director, and am equally your director of socials too, please do well to get yourselves registered in any of the teams and clubs too. Thank you


 Thank you Sir.

(The president points to Mr. Sam to take up the stage)

Mr. Sam:

 God evening students, I am Mr. Sam, the vice president, I don’t have much to say; all I can say is this, in the absence of the president I can attend to you, that doesn’t mean am not at your service.

(the student laughs audibly and mumbles a few words) Thank you (he said amidst a smile)

Mr. President:

 In the absence of any other thing……….

Please I understand you’ll be having a little freshers night party. My candid advice; let it be as responsible as it can be, without portraying a wrong image of this nobleinstitution.

Thank you and God bless you.


Thank you Sir 

                                                                                 Camera cuts



XTERS: Jason, Roommate 1&2



CAM MOV: Camera Opens on Jason entering the room as his roommates welcomes him



(with his luggage, knocks on the thrice as Kelvin opens the door)


(looks and him, and speaks up, even before Jason could open his mouth to greet)

I guess you must be Jason


Good afternoon, yes am Jason  


Welcome bruh (he said as he stretches out his hand for a hand shake. And both shakes, while Kelvin helps him with some of his luggage)


You must be Jason


Yes am Jason


I am Micheal (he said as he stretches out his hand for a handshake) feel at home bruh, (he said as he taps him on the shoulder)

Kelvin, please show him around. You are welcome once again bruh.


I’m fermished, anywhere I can get something to eat


Sure, just get done arranging your stuffs, Kelvin and I will take you there.


You sure gonna buy our “chau”


You need not worry, it’s on me (all shakes and laughs)


                            Camera cuts


Location: school café

Xters: Jason and roommates

Int/ext: day

Props and set: food, drink

Cam mov: camera opens on Jason, Kelvin and Michael eating and discussing


( drinks water) Guy ( looks at Jason)


Omo Jason guess you are really getting used to the environment


( smiles) yea I am thanks to you guys for the treat. Seriously I feel I need to get used to things around and school setting with time


Yea you will its with time


Your course really needs focus and concentration


I pray god helps me

Michael and Kelvin

Yes he will


Lets eat ( all starts eating)

Camera cuts

Mov 4

Location: classroom

Xters: Jason, lecturer and students

Ext/int: day

Props and set: books

Cam mov: camera opens on the lecturer teaching the students


What is legislation?


Legislation is the process of making or enacting laws


Impressive; can someone expansiate on the concept of subordinate legislature?


It is a legislature that is higher in making laws


No ( incorrect) I need a proper definition, anyone? 


Sir, subordinate legislature is any other legislature that is lower in authority than the supreme legislation.


That’s correct, clap those hands for him, really impressive, brilliant indeed. We are done for today. In our next class we would be looking into the other arms of government, so class remember to do your assignment and submit to your course rep, I need it on my desk first thing tomorrow.

Walks out

Camera cuts

mov 5

location: classroom

xters: faculty excos, Jason, Vanessa and students

int/ ext: day

props and sets: books

cam mov: camera opens on the students discussing in the class as the faculty excos walk in

Mr. President

Good day students, I’m sure our faces are no longer new to you, and am also sure you know why we are here. For those who don’t know, it’s the faculty elections that bring us before you today. ( looks in the list and calls out the names of the candidates)

Please if you here you name kindly step outside the class; Jason Abdusalem, Vanessa Fashola and Faruq Opeyimi ( the students clap as the candidates staep out, but less auction, when Vanessa was stepping out)

This election is going to be free and fair and I urge all of us to please abide by the rules.

It is going to be an open ballot system. Mr. Sam here will call out the names of each candidate and when you hear the name of the candidate you want to vote for, you put up your hand while Mr. Elvis here takes the count. Understood?



( names of candidates are called out and students indicated interest in the candidate they want to vote for by putting up their hands.) Election ends

Mr. President

Thanks for your co-ordination, the results of this election will be posted on the notice board next week Wednesday.

Thank you and God bless you.


( arguing as camera cuts)

Camera cuts

Mov 6

Location: under the tree

Xters: Jason

Int/ ext: day

Props and set: books and phone

Cam mov: camera opens on Jason reading as his phone rings


( phone rings) hello… howfar… guy I am reading now I cant make it… how urgent is this?... like very urgent… ok I am coming… ( closes his book and leaves)

Camera cuts

Mov 7

Location: road path

Xters: Jason, Kelvin, Michael, Vanessa and friends

Int/ext: day

Props and set:

Cam mov: camera opens on Jason and the roommates strolling as they give him advice about the school life and Vanessa and her friends sees them walking and they talked about Jason


( taps Jason) so guy basically that’s just the main thing that you need to know and work with


That’s true just try and be yourself and focus like I keep telling you ( all talks and walked passed Vanessa and her friends which immediately they passed, Vanessa couldn’t hold her feelings)


Girls do you peoplenotice that handsome guy that just passed just now?


Which one?


A lot of guys have been passing here


I mean Jason, our master know all and intending course rep


Oh that guy, what happened to him?


You don de like the guy?


Not like; like I just admire his personality and I will make sure he notices me and falls into my friendship zone


Vanessa hmmm…?


What? I just said I admire him a lot and want him to be my friend, what’s bad about that?


Well I know what you can do and anything you want not even a word from another mouth can stop you from getting it


I swear!


Thank God una know


Wish you well


Thanks! So girls where are we going tonight


Victory’s birthday party na tonight nah so we go rock am




Lets go get ready we go rock am (all leaves)

Camera cuts


A new play I came up with. Make sure you enjoy it🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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2 years ago
