A nice chance for me to be born into the world,
A nice chance for me to grow up and learn to walk,
A nice chance to go to school and learn how to read,
A nice chance to go to church and sow a seed,
A nice chance to pass my final year examinations,
A great chance to get a successful job,
A great chance to become a successful banker,
A great chance to become a successful lawyer,
A great chance to become a successful teacher,
A great chance to become a President,
A super chance to be proposed to,
A super chance to do all I am supposed to,
A super chance to win a million dollars,
A super chance to win a giveaway contest,
A super chance to be a gunner,
A super chance to be a runner,
An ultimate chance to be on top form,
An ultimate chance to seek a job form,
An ultimate chance to retire early,
An ultimate chance to die healthy.
I am dedicating this poem to @Dolores and the giveaway contest I am participating in. I hope I will be successful.
Here is the link to @Dolores giveaway contest.
Please if you see this peom, do well to participate in this contest, it is beneficial and important.
A nice chance you take by writing in the form
And make something beautiful like a poem
Thank you for this creative poem😍