Food borne disease
Dangers of food borne disease
Individual :
Loss of family income
Medical expenses
Cost of special dietary needs
Death or funeral expense
Establishment :
Loss of customers and sales
Increase insurance premiums
Lowered employee morale
Increase employee turn over
1. Food borne infection: caused due to the-
=Entrance of pathogenic microorganisms contaminating food into the body.
=Body reacts by raising temperature e.g.- fever
=Longer incubation period.
2. Food borne intoxications: Caused by consumption of food containing bio-
toxicants, metabolic products, poisonous substances.
Main causes of food borne disease
Cross Contamination - occurs when microorganisms are transferred from
one surface or food to another.
Time temperature abuse– Happens when the food is exposed to
Temperature Danger Zone (41⁰F - 140⁰F) for more than 4 hrs.
Poor personnel hygiene– Food handlers are carriers of disease causing
bacteria. Food service personnel can contaminate food
Types of Food Contaminants
Biological Contaminants: A microbial contaminant that may cause a food borne
illness (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, biological toxins)
Examples: Sea food toxins ,Mushroom toxins
Chemical Contaminant :A chemical substance that can cause food borne
illness. Substances normally found in restaurant
Examples: Toxic metals, Pesticides
Physical Contaminants: Any foreign object that accidentally find its
way into food
Examples: Hair, Staple wire, Dust