It's Always Good to be Back Home

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2 years ago

It's been long since I published, or even visited this platform. My connection to planet was totally cut off for a while.

The reason behind this might seem like lower rewards rates; eventually resulting in motivation loss. Which, honestly, is one of the reasons, but, it wasn't the only reason. At that time there was so much else going with me that I was not in the condition to just snap out of it and come back to my virtual home planet(, of course).

Firstly, a few days after my I published my last article here, I ended up breaking my laptop which was heartbreaking. And one of the big reasons I wasn't writing anything.

Of course, it might not seem right as if I wanted to, I could have used my mobile( which, by the way, I am using right now) or maybe pc for writing. Right?

But, the thing is that it was never about the laptop or pc( as in physical) in the first place, it was all about the connection. The connection which was gone after that loss, and that is why, I didn't felt motivated enough to come back and visit this platform for long until today( now that I feel well, here I am writing even from my phone).

You might say

"Connection? Seriously dude. Come on! It was just a laptop, get over it already.

Which I completely agree to... but,

Believe it or not, connection do matters a lot. All of us, in a way, are connected to something or someone for sure. We might not feel like it at that time but when "it"( or "they") are "gone"( or lost); then, comes the moment when we start to feel the difference, the loneliness and loss in motivation. The motivation to get up and carry on what we have been doing, the motivation to have courage and move on, and, the motivation to start fresh with the same spirit and level of motivation we had before.

Yeah yeah, I know, it sounds like as if it wasn't a laptop; it was a girlfriend or something (lol). But that's how life is. You never know what you will connect to. Doesn't matter if it's a "it" or "they".

Anyway, enough of the sad love story. Let's move on to the headlines,

It was heartbreaking but I got over it and lately, I've been using my pc( which is some what the age of my grandfather) to get into learning some skill. Yeah I know, for a pc, having it's name and model number date back to a time where they literally used to"write down names of great innovators in golden words"(lol) it seems pretty unrealistic to be able to learn anything from it, but what can you do except for happily accepting what life has to offer. Right? (Well, honestly, that pc isn't that bad either, what I said above was just a fine piece of( what we call...)

" The Art of Exaggeration".

So, friends, here it comes to an end. I was planning on writing something for the past few days and finally today I was able to do it.

This article was just a comeback article meant to share what I experienced mixed with lot's of exaggeration. I hope you like it.

I just hope that after publishing this article, things might go back to normal and I may come back to my regular routine. But, In the world, where lunatics are sharing their technology ( specifically, laptop) love stories, you can never be sure about anything.

Hope to meet you soon.

Thanks for being here.

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2 years ago
