Better take a break than to quit

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2 years ago

Better take a break than to quit, Sounds like just another Mr. Perfecto’s recommendation, Right? Well, trust me, it is much more than that.

More than just a piece of advice, it is the motivation. The motivation to keep going and not quitting; 

The motivation to keep striving and not giving up unless you succeed. The dedication to keeping the purpose of your life alive.

As humans, it is quite normal for us to get bored and frustrated of something we have been doing continuously, regardless of how interesting and fun it used to be;

 Once you keep doing it continuously, you start losing interest and fun in it.


How long it takes to get bored and frustrated of something?

Well, the time it takes you to get bored of something depends on various factors such as;

  1. Your interest in it

  2. Your level of dedication

  3. What "Something" is

As these factors cannot be the same for everyone, it is hard to guess when will someone be bored or tired of something. 

The only fact we can guarantee is that,

“If someone is continuously doing something, he is much likely to face frustration and bordem; Sooner or later, it is just a matter of time.

Now that it is clear that you cannot just skip this part(frustration and boredom), let us see what we can do in these situations.

Stop it and take a break:

Yeah, you heard right. Stop doing what you have been doing because that is the real reason for your frustration. Usually, what people do in these situations is that they start going hard on themselves. 

Why do they do that? 

The psyche behind doing this is that when they are frustrated, they cannot imagine looking at that something( that has become a nightmare for them) again; Hence, they tend to get rid of it as soon as possible.

 But, this is not the right way. Because when you are depressed or frustrated, you cannot think clearly, so you are more likely to make more mistakes( even if you are a gold medalist at what you are doing), and those mistakes would not do you any good. In fact, they would only multiply your level of frustration.

So, the conclusion is that whenever you have this feeling, Stop everything and divert your mind by relaxing or even doing something else. Or, In other words, just take a break.

One thing to notice here is that sometimes taking a break does not have to be as complicated as going for a holiday, Sleeping for hours, and so; Sometimes just not doing what bugs you a lot these days is enough, and you can continue other chores. For example

Say, you are a writer( here on, and you have made it compulsory for yourself to post one article every day; 


then comes the moment when, you start to get frustrated and lose motivation( not necessarily for a reason, just bored); 

What would you do? 

  1. Would you try hard to keep up with your goal?


    2. Would you take a break and start when you are fresh

I am sure most of you(including me) would say, Option 2. But trust me, that's not true.

 Sometimes, we get too busy that we do not realize we are putting too much pressure on ourselves; The pressure that eventually gets out of control, and we end up Quitting; which is much worse than just taking a harmless break

Note: Not that I mean that those who have maintained there pace in posting everyday are doing wrong; if you can do it and you know that you won't end up quitting, then go on, do it. My best wishes are with you. 


Don't go hard on yourself. No one knows you better than yourself, so put pressure on yourself only when you think you can handle it.

Thanks for reading

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2 years ago


Sometimes we think that what we're aiming for is not for us so we end up quiting, however we should know that all we need is a little break to reset and refresh and then resume.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly. that's it. Thank you so much for being here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're very welcome

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's true. Doing hard and quit is not sustainable. Doing hard, stop and take a break, then continue doing hard, is also not sustainable. Doing moderate and continuously is more sustainable. When one stops doing something, trying to restart back is difficult, there's the "laziness attitude" preventing from restarting. But if we keep going, a little a day (like 30 minutes), it gets to continue on. There's a balance between under-dedication and over-dedication.

Though of course, things like writing posts, certainly most people don't have idea every day. One write because one enjoys writing; and only write when one thought of something that triggers and it have long-enough contents to make a post.

And for other things like exercise, even one day of rest is fatal. One used to exercise 6 times a day, and almost quit because one rest for a day. Since then, one exercises everyday and never have a second thought of quitting anymore.

So yeah, thanks for sharing the article!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm. Great. And yeah I get you, writer only when it triggers and especially "when it is long enough to post" I really go through times when I wrote something and i was sure that it is going to be my next post, and then, I take a break and after the break it's gone( not the writing, the idea and motivation). So, now, I have a way to find out what can I write and what I can't (the idea that stays in my mind for long time and keeps evolving, that's the idea I try to work on). However, it isn't the best way to decided what to write and what not to, but at least, it's my way

And of course, i have amazed at your exercising routine, if you ask me. Well, I would really recommend don't ask me.

Thank you so muc h for being

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's about the same for me, what you experienced. If one didn't immediately write down something, the motivation might be gone; unless the article is too long to write in one sittings then one'll put bullet points to signify what ideas not written yet. And one tend to rewrite them as the first writing (for long writings) are usually shitty. Anyway, Hope you find something you like to write about soon!

Thanks for replying. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

haha, yep I strongly agree first writing are usually shitty. And yeah, thank you so much for your kind words I hope your words become reality.

Stay happy, Stay blessed

$ 0.00
2 years ago